♥ April Favourites!

May 06, 2018

I have completely wished away the month of April. It's all been a bit of a blur, in-between waiting for it to be over and dreaming of jetting off to Paris in May, it's been a bit of an average month really. I have been enjoying quite a few different and new things this month, so of course I'm going to let you all know what they are! 

Pictured - Vanillary perfume from LUSH
I bought this bottle of perfume a while ago because I had always wanted a bottle of Vanillary, but the price had always put me off. When LUSH re done the packaging and got away with the 10ml bottles, I thought I was never going to own once, until I saw that the price had come right down and this was definitely within my price bracket, for a measly £19 for 30ml! I couldn't quite believe it was so cheap, I needed a bottle! I used it a little bit and then it got pushed to the back of my shelf when the body sprays came out, as I was using them every single day. I was going to a funeral the other day and wanted to wear a perfume that was more modest and not screaming bubblegum, like my Snow Fairy body spray, so I reached for Vanillary instead. I have wore this every day since! I completely forgot how gorgeous this scent is and how well it lasts on my skin. I have fallen in love with this scent all over again and can't get enough of it!
Pictured - Princess Inspired Minnie Mouse Ears by DaisyDesignsX
I am obsessed and in love with these gorgeous ears! These weren't the original ears that I purchased, I did initially buy a pair from a different seller. When they got to me, the way that they had been packaged (in tissue paper and no bubble wrap!) had caused part of the ears to get bent in the post and I was so devastated. I was worried that if I ordered another pair from somewhere else, they wouldn't be here in time. I found these gorgeous ears on Etsy and just had to have them! I could see that there was nothing on the ears that could be broken in the post and thought I would take my chance to see if they got here on time. They were delivered super quick, within 7 days I had them! They were packaged super well, wrapped in bubble wrap and even came with cute princess stickers all over the packaging! These ears are also super comfortable, I have been wearing them to pull my hair off my face when I am removing my make up and I know I will be able to wear these all day at Disneyland and they won't irritate or annoy me. Seriously, if you are off to a Disney park and want some ears to add a bit of magic to your outfit, I can't recommend Daisy enough. She even does custom ears to make sure you get your favourite characters to match your outfit! Check Daisy out on Etsy and Instagram

Pictured -  Bits for Paris!
One of my favourite things about going on holiday, is all the preparation before! On the day that this post is going live, myself and Reece are of to Paris tomorrow! I am so excited to go away to a country neither of us have been before and of course, I am super excited about Disneyland! I have been buying us bits that we need for our trip and I have found some really good, inexpensive things! I bought myself the alien wash mitt and Reece the Mickey wash mitt, just in case he needs reminding that we're going to Disneyland! The alien wash mitt was £2.50 and the Mickey one was on sale for only £1. I got both of them from Primark. I think they're so cute, even if we only use them while we're in Paris and then leave them there, they're easier to pack than a loofah or a sponge. I, of course, have my essential skin care items, my 9 to 5 cleanser and Tea Tree toner waters, both in 100ml for hand luggage. I was gifted these from my friend Jess for my birthday and they are so perfect for this trip! I also bought us both some tanning oil and after sun for only £1 each in Poundland! I couldn't believe I managed to get Malibu suncare in Poundland!. The tanning oil smells gorgeous, like a sunbed shop and the after sun is also really nice and is packed with aloe vera so will definitely cool us (mainly Reece!) down if we get sun burnt. I also picked up the little Mickey pouch for every day little bits that I carry around like tampons and blister plasters. This is definitely coming with us as you never know when you'll need either of those! I also have a French Phrasebook that my parents bought me, which I am sure we will make plenty of use of! I purchased a new pair of sunglasses too, as I am so hoping it's going to be sunny and warm, and it should be law that you need to buy a new pair on sunglasses on every holiday you go on!

What have you been enjoying in the month of April? Being honest, I'm glad it's over! The time is nearly here for myself and Reece to jet off to Paris and I cannot contain my excitement! You can guarantee that most of May's blog posts will be all about Paris and I'm so excited to write them.


Thank you for taking the time to read my blog post, it is very appreciated! Make sure to follow so you can see the next time I post! ♥ xo
**Disclaimer: All views, opinions and photos are my own.**

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