♥ My Bath Bakes Collection!

April 29, 2018

I have found that one of the massive pros of the LUSH Kitchen being defunct, is that I am way more open to and enjoying more smaller businesses and their brilliant products. I have fallen in love with Bath Bakes and their glorious products, the monthly releases of brand new products has filled that hole that the LUSH Kitchen left. I have also never been disappointed in a product that I have received from Bath Bakes. Every order I have made has been packaged beautifully, there has been no leaking products, no products not smelling right and nothing missing from my order!

I have been buying Bath Bakes for a little while now, so I thought I would share with you all my growing collection and what some of my favourite products are!

Pictured - Caramel Mint and Belgian Espresso crumble scrubs
My most favourite product that Bath Bakes make is definitely their crumble scrubs! I really enjoy a product that you can feel working, where you can feel it scrubbing away the dead skin! Another fail safe way to know if a scrub has really worked, is if it can remove those small bumps that some people get on the back of their arms and these work amazingly for that! Crumble scrubs never last long in my collection, as no matter what kind of bath I am going for, you can guarantee that one will be coming with me! I currently have two in my collection. Caramel Mint is beautiful, I knew I would love this so I had to pick up two. The scent of this product is like a butter mint, it smells very strongly of mint, but also has a sweet element to it. I love this one so much, that I am already over half way through a tub and I only received these less than ten days ago! I also have the Belgian Espresso crumble scrub, but unfortunately I have only been able to use this once as I dropped it in the bath tub, and with this being a sugar scrub, it has mostly dissolved! I am devastated, as the scent of Belgian Espresso smells beautiful! There is a really old coffee shop in my city that has been making coffee for over 150 years and they still make it the old fashioned way, where they use a gigantic roasting machine to create their own house blends which have been secretly guarded recipes, ever since they were written. The scent of coffee fills our town centre due to the way that they make their coffee, and this crumble scrubs smells just like it! It's such a homely scent for me, I love it! 

Pictured - Chocolate Truffle, Spiced Chocolat, Tarte de L'Orange, Creamy Cappuccino and Vanilla Mint bubble mixes
I really enjoy using these bubble mixes when I want some bubbles, but not too many. The scent on them is super strong, so I like to cocktail them with my LUSH bubble bars to make a gorgeous concoction of smells! The Tarte de L'Orange bubble mix is my most used, because it goes so well with most baths that I have. Tarte de L'Orange smells like juicy oranges, with also a sweetness to it so it's not bitter. I love pairing this with any citrus bath I have! Another bubble mix that I have used quite a lot of is Chocolate Truffle, it smells like rich dark chocolate and pairs perfectly with the Honey I Washed the Kids or Butterball fragrances from LUSH. I love that this makes the water feel so soft and gives you plenty of bubbles too! I also have Creamy Cappuccino, which pairs perfectly with the Belgian Espresso crumble scrub! This one has a sweet coffee scent, much like the way I take my coffee, with a tonne of sugar! Spiced Chocolat is one that I am saving for the winter months, as you can guess by the name, the scent has a spicy element to it, quite like cinnamon, and I think this will be perfect for cosy baths in the cold weather. The final bubble mix I have is Vanilla Mint, which is another one I have been saving for a particular season, and summer is finally nearly here, so I'll be using this plenty! Vanilla Mint smells exactly like a peppermint cream, it smells so good! I just know this is going to be the perfect addition to any minty bath I have in the warmer months!

Pictured: Billionaires Shortbread, Lavender Anglaise, Whipplescrumptious and Cookies & Cream sugar whips and Christmas Pud bath dessert
If you like a lighter exfoliation that I described with the crumble scrubs, then these sugar scrubs are perfect for you! I like to use these after I use a crumble scrub, they are much more gentle on the skin but still leave you feeling exfoliated and also moisturised. Billionaires Shortbread sugar whips was the first product I ever saw from Bath Bakes and I wanted to try it so bad, but it had sold out. It came back a few weeks ago and I knew I would love it, I had to grab two! It smells absolutely insane, like rich milky chocolate with a biscuit flare. My mouth is literally watering while I smell it right now! This is definitely one of my most favourite scents and products, I love it! I also have Lavender Anglaise, which as you guessed it, has a gorgeous fresh and sharp lavender scent. I really enjoy using this one when I have a Twilight scented bath, it goes so well! I also have Whipplescrumptious, which smells similar to Billionaires Shortbread, but is a little more chocolate! I really enjoy this one also and I'm quite surprised I haven't finished this pot yet! Christmas Pud was, as you can guess, part of the Christmas release last year and I was very kindly gifted this for Christmas from my lovely friend Jess. I absolutely love this scent, it's literally like Christmas in a jar! It smells like mandarin and cinnamon and I am really hoping this one comes back next year! And last but not least, is the first sugar whip I ever owned, Cookies & Cream! This sugar whip smells very biscuit like and definitely has elements of chocolate in there too! I don't use this one as much as I should, it's amazing!

Pictured - Fudge de Leche, Mint Choc and Vanilla Bean bath creams
Fudge de Leche and Vanilla Bean bath creams are the two very first products I ever ordered from Bath Bakes and I still love them just as much now! I love to use bath creams for shaving, they work so well and don't clog the blade up. Fudge de Leche smells like butterscotch angels delight, a very creamy and milky fudge scent! I really need to grab another tub as this one is nearly finished and I can't not have a tub! Vanilla Bean has a gorgeous soft and gentle vanilla scent and is perfect for mixing in any bath cocktail! I'm so glad I have a back up tub so I don't have to worry about running out. I also have Mint Choc, which has the perfect combination of chocolate and mint, smelling just like mint choc chip ice cream! I also love to use this one in minty bath cocktails, it pairs beautifully! Vanilla Bean and Fudge De Leche are available all the time and Mint Choc has came back a few times, so hopefully you'll be able to grab one for yourself!

Pictured - Strawberry Velvet, Blueberry Brioche (open), Unbirthday Tea, Raspberry Earl and Orange Ganache (open).
Can you tell that I really like the bath creams? Strawberry Velvet is another regular bath cream that you can buy at anytime, and I am so pleased as this is one of the few products I have found that actually smells like what it is supposed to, strawberries! I find that companies have a hard time getting the strawberry scent right, and label something as strawberry when it really isn't. I can confirm that Bath Bakes, does strawberry right! Strawberry Velvet smells like sweet strawberry cheesecake, so good! I also have Blueberry Brioche, which smells very similar to Fudge de Leche in my opinion! I for some reason, haven't used this one yet, but I think I will in my next bath! Unbirthday Tea is one of my favourites and one that I really regret not purchasing two of! Unbirthday Tea smells like drumstick lollies, super sweet and lovely! I am using this super sparingly as I don't want to use it all up. Orange Ganache is another bath cream that I wish I had picked up two of, it smells like chocolate orange and pairs beautifully with Tarte de L'Orange! And finally, Raspberry Earl, the newest edition to the family! I really love this one, it smells like fresh juicy raspberry and makes me crave a fruit salad! I also think this one looks super stunning too, the lustre around the jar is gorgeous! 

Pictured - Eggnog and Coconut Mallow bath glaze
When I first purchased Coconut Mallow, I was confused as to how I should use it, the consistency is very unlike anything I'd ever used before. Then I looked at the back of the tub and it stated it was a body conditioner and that I am to used this after washing to soften the skin. I honestly think that this product is far better than any body conditioner that LUSH have ever made. The consistency is perfect! It doesn't feel like a lotion, it feels like a solid oil and it feels like you're using it right when you're using it in the water. They leave your skin feeling so super soft and moisturised, I absolutely love them! Coconut Mallow smells just like the name, coconut and marshmallows, a gorgeous sweet combination. And Eggnog, wow. Honestly, I think this is my favourite scent that Bath Bakes has ever made. It smells so god damn good! I am really hoping that this comes back this year, I only have enough for maybe two more uses and I can't not have this scent in my life. I sometimes even just sit and sniff this tub, it smells that good!

Pictured - Butterbeer body oil, Wild Blueberry and Chocolate River bath syrups and White Velvet body creme
The final and smaller part of my collection is the bottles. Butterbeer body oil is gorgeous, I have only tried it directly on the skin, but I do plan to try it in bath water also. It smells just like butterscotch and the smell takes me right back to visiting the Harry Potter studios! Wild Blueberry is one that I really enjoy for adding to running water for extra bubbles and for the scent, as it smells gorgeous, like sweet blueberries! I also really love Chocolate River, which smells like the most deluxe hot chocolate you have ever had. This is another one that I really like to pair with HIWTK and Butterball baths! And finally, White Velvet the one lonely body creme in my collection which smells like white chocolate and strangely, but works really well, yogurt! I really need to expand this part of my collection, there are so many more syrups that I want to try and use!

I ma so excited for future releases by Bath Bakes, I can't wait to see what is coming next! Sara-Meg, who owns and runs Bath Bakes is one of the most loveliest people I have ever spoken to. She really cares about each and every person who purchases her beautiful products and puts so much care and attention into not just making them, but the presentation of them and the packaging. I will be a Bath Bakes fan for a very long time and I can't wait to see where Sara-Meg is going to take this brilliant business! 

Have you tried anything from Bath Bakes? If so, what is your favourite? Let me know in the comments below!

You can visit the Bath Bakes website by clicking here and you should definitely follow Bath Bakes on Instagram at @bathbakelove for sneaky peeks at new product releases!

Thank you for taking the time to read my blog post, it is very appreciated! Make sure to follow so you can see the next time I post! ♥ xo

**Disclaimer: All views, opinions and photos are my own.**

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