♥ March Favourites!

April 02, 2018

March has been one quick month! I can't believe how fast it has flown in! I always find that months where I get to see Reece go a little quicker, then the months we don't see each other totally drag because I'm on another count down! I have been loving a lot of things this month but managed to shorten the list a little!

Photo credit - Google Images
I watched Desperate Housewives all those years ago when it was on TV and I fell in love with the show, the characters and the story lines. I was so devastated when I found out that it was finishing and I cried from the minute the last episode started to the minute it ended! I loved Desperate Housewives, every single episode of it, so I have decided to start watching it again! I forgot how good the first season was, and even though this is probably the third or fourth time that I've watched it, I still love it so much! I love the characters so much, I get far too involved in their relationships and with all the murders and great story lines, it keeps you well entertained and waiting for the next mystery! If you haven't watched Desperate Housewives, I would really suggest you try it, you'll be hooked!

Pictured - Disney x Primark 
I have been obsessed with all the amazing Disney pieces that Primark have been selling lately! Usually, when items like this come out, my store get none of them! My local Primark is relatively new, having only been open for two years, and I have found is a good store for the basic stuff, but we never get any of the good stuff! I managed to pick up the first Chip mug about 8 weeks after they first came out everywhere! I have been super lucky to be in the store on the right day and at the right time, to have been able to pick up all these gorgeous bits and bobs! I managed to grab the Marie mug, money box and trinket dish, and also the Bubbles Chip mug in one go! I also picked up the Marie cushion, (the Thumper cushion and Pua are from the Disney store) which I was surprised about as I have been in a few times and been unable to find them! When I grabbed the cushion I also managed to find the White Rabbit purse! I also went into Primark on a whim on a lunch break to have a wander and kill time and spied Cogsworth and Mrs Potts! I was truly shocked to see these as I've been looking for them for literally months! I love every single piece so much! They all have pride of place on my ladder shelf, but I think I may have a move about and move them to my main bookcase!

Pictured - Mini Eggs
It's that time of the year again where we're close to Easter and all the stores are packed with chocolate! I absolutely love Mini Eggs! They are easily my favourite chocolate snack ever! I know they're quite boring, some Cadbury chocolate in a coated shell, but there's something about them that I'm totally addicted to! Last year I bought so many packets to see me through the year, that I still have some in a glass jar. I think I'll be throwing them out and replacing them with these two bags!

Pictured - April Shower bath bomb
If you read my LUSH Easter - Preview blog post, you'll be very shocked to see April Showers mentioned here! I wasn't even going to give this a try, I saw a violet scent and immediately pushed it aside as I really despise violet scents. However, I got this in my Big Fish gift set and I am so pleased that I did, as I really enjoyed this bath bomb! I really love how it makes the  bath water cloudy due to the white in the bath bomb, I love the amount of oil as it doesn't make you too oily and I actually don't mind the scent! I don't think it smells too much like violet, I think it smells like a masculine aftershave! I would really like to pick up a couple more April Showers as I'd like to give it another try!

I am so ready for April! We're getting closer to May and I booked for myself and Reece to go to Paris for five days and I am literally wishing my life away till then! What have you been enjoying this month? Let me know down in the comments!


Thank you for taking the time to read my blog post, it is very appreciated! Make sure to follow so you can see the next time I post! ♥ xo
**Disclaimer: All views, opinions and photos are my own, unless otherwise stated.**

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