♥ Disney Charity Shop Haul!

June 10, 2018

One of my new favourite hobbies is browsing through charity shops and car boot sales (when I can get to one!) for unloved Disney products! I really like picking up vintage Disney books and I want to start collecting mugs, but to be honest, I just pick up anything I find that is Disney, apart from toys. I have always been a fan of browsing through charity shops. I used to look for designer and higher end clothes when I was younger because I couldn't afford to buy them first hand myself and I still love browsing charity shops for books to keep growing that never ending collection, but I must say that I was very inspired by the lovely Amanda who I follow on Instagram and YouTube (@waltsmouse88) to start looking in the charity shops for Disney things, she finds some amazing things in her local shops!

I wanted to share with you all the amazing finds I have picked up over the past month or so! I think I may turn this into a ritual blog post where I share all the bargains I pick up!

I picked up this vintage 101 Dalmations book from my favourite second hand book shop, Bookcase. I was rather disappointed with the amount of Disney books that they had, for the size of the shop (so big I still get lost sometimes) they only had a small handful! I did see some other books that I really want, so I will have to go back and pick them up soon before they get picked up by someone else! The book was £1, which although is a total bargain, is double than what I have paid for other Disney books this size. I also picked up this really cute Eeyore glass from the Eden Valley Hospice charity shop for £1.50! I spied it hid away on the shelf and thought it was so cute! I've gave it a wash and it's as good as new.

How bloody adorable are these three Eeyores I picked up at a bank holiday car boot sale! Can you believe they were only £1 each! The first two are official Disney Store plushies and the last one is from Walt Disney World, although you can barely read his tag as he's been washed before and I had to run them through the washing machine once I got home too. These Eeyores weren't in the best condition, which make mes happy that I could give them a good home! Some of the things you see people trying to sell at a car boot sale is hilarious! These plushies had quite a few marks on them and things stuck in their fur, but a run through the washing machine was all they needed and they're as good as new now!

I found this little Goofy hidden away at the bottom of a soft toy box at the same bank holiday car boot sale that I purchased the Eeyores from. I nearly passed on him at first but then I had to go back and get him. He was only 50p and he's from Walt Disney World, as you can see in his tag. He's a bit beaten up, he has holes in his t-shirt and trousers, but I really don't mind because he's super cute and he was a complete bargain!

I picked up this book in the Eden Valley Hospice charity shop that sells specifically books. It's one of my favourite shops to browse because the people are so nice. Can you believe this book only cost me 30p?! It was in the clearance bin and I thought it must have been a mistake. I've seen this same book sold in other charity shops for up to £5 so I definitely got a bargain with this one! I really like to older Disney books, the images are less computerised and they have that old school Disney feel to them.

I picked up these adorable Mickey and Minnie plushies from a Cancer Research shop in Keswick. I spied the Minnie first and for £1.99 I thought she was a steal! I was about to go ahead and pay when I saw a Mickey ear dangling of the shelf and I grabbed him too! I love that I was able to get these as a pair, they're so cute! They were originally from Disneyland Paris too, and after visiting there myself, it has a special place in my heart. Both of these were in extremely good condition, literally as if they had been bought from the shop and placed directly into the charity shop! I think these two are my favourite purchases so far!

This Mickey is another purchase from the bank holiday car boot sale. I missed him on my first wander around the stalls and spied him on my second trip around. I can't remember exactly how much he was, maybe £2 or £3, which I think was a steal! As you can see from his foot, he was a 2016 Disney Store exclusive. He is also in very good condition, not a mark on him at all! 

This is the most priciest charity shop or car boot find that I have bought and I think it is totally justifiable! This beautiful Minnie cost me £5, but she is super huge! She's literally the size of a toddler! She was also in good condition, she needed a run through the washing machine as he had a couple of marks, but they came straight out in the wash. I am so pleased I picked her up, she's lovely! 

Three more bargains from the Eden Valley Hospice shop! I saw the mugs first which I jumped into, I really want to start collecting official Disney mugs and I saw these and grabbed them. They're not official Disney, but were only 50p each so still a good deal! I think the steal of this day had to be the massive Pluto I picked up for only £1.50! He was in the clearance section as he had been there a while and I jumped at the chance to get him! He's from Walt Disney World, so I can't even imagine how much his RRP was! I think he's adorable and definitely my biggest bargain so far!

Some more things I picked up when I went for a trip to Keswick were these two books and teeny Winnie the Pooh dressed as a bunny! Winnie the Pooh was in the clearance section for only 50p! He needs a wash as he has a few marks on him, but he came with his original tag and he's limited edition from 2001. I also picked up the Pocahontas book for £1 in an Animal Refuge charity shop and I got the Cinderella book from Cancer Research for 49p.

This is another Eden Valley Hospice bookshop bargain! Can you tell I really like that shop? If I have nothing to do on my lunch break and I have some spare cash, I love to go and browse that store. This Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs book was only £1, which was a total steal! It has the old style illustrations that I really love and is also in really good condition.

I found these books on a total whim! I never go into the Oxfam book shop as it's a little further away than the other stores I frequent, but for some reason I popped in and saw a paperback Harry Potter book that Reece had been looking for for a while so I went to get it for him, I spied these books right on the bottom shelf, tucked away! Each book was 49p each, which seems to be the usual cost for these books, which is brilliant as I want to collect as many as I can. They are all in immaculate condition, seeing as they are quite old, they look like they haven't even been read! 

I'd love to know what your best find was in a charity shop, Disney related or not! It really intrigues me to see things that people find unworthy to themselves but someone else totally falls in love with! If you don't ever browse a charity shop, consider taking a look next time you pass one. It's recycling clothes and products and is also giving money to great causes! 


Thank you for taking the time to read my blog post, it is very appreciated! Make sure to follow so you can see the next time I post! ♥ xo

**Disclaimer: All views, opinions and photos are my own.**

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