♥ February Favourites

March 04, 2018

I can't be the only one who felt like January took forever and February has been over literally in the blink of an eye?! February always seems like a very quick month for me, it's always a busy (and expensive) month! This February, myself and Reece has our four year anniversary, which unfortunately we couldn't be together for, my Stepdads birthday is also in February, this year my Mum turned 50 on the 21st and my friends birthday is on the 26th. It's been a very busy month for me with gifts and cards flying everywhere, but now that February is nearly over, before I know it it will be my birthday! 

It feels like forever since I've wrote a monthly favourites blog post and it has been! The last one I wrote was Octobers favourites! You would think I would have loads of things that I have been enjoying, but I was quite surprised that I haven't been trying anything new out very much. Of course, I have been trying the new seasonal LUSH releases, but I do like to keep these blog posts very minimum LUSH, as believe it or not, my life does go on outside of my collection.

Pictured - Plum Rain, Lord of Misrule, Honey I Washed the Kids, So White and Snow Fairy body sprays
I have been wanting to talk about these body sprays since I bought and received the Christmas exclusives back in December. At first, I never really gave a second thought to the body sprays, until LUSH released Plum Rain, Twilight and Rose Jam. I bought Plum Rain as soon as my funds would allow me to and I completely fell in love with the scent all over again. I wrote a blog post back in August of last year called 'My Dream LUSH Products' and I stated in there that since the tease of the Lord of Misrule body spray, I had been hoping so badly that LUSH would release this as I wanted to smell like that creamy vanilla and patchouli scent all day long. I was so excited when the LUSH Kitchen released that they would be making this dream come true, along with a Snow Fairy and So White spray too! These three scents are classic within LUSH and I really enjoy all three of them. Surprisingly, I think I have used Snow Fairy the most, which I didn't expect at all! I really expected Lord of Misrule to be my ultimate go to, to cover myself in it every day and constantly smell like the bath bomb, but I really don't find myself reaching for it very often. I was a bit wary of wearing So White, as much as I adore the fresh crisp apple scent, I was a bit scared of people thinking I smelt like a cleaning product. But actually, I wore it to work the other day and a lady got in the lift at the same time as me and her exact words were, 'Oh my, your perfume is wonderful!' So I guess I don't smell like a floor cleaner as much as I thought! I was also extremely excited when LUSH released a Honey I Washed the Kids body spray earlier this month, so much so that I had to go back and buy another bottle. I have grown to love this scent family so much that I could bathe in it every single day and  never get sick of the scent. It's the perfect sweet chocolate and honey scent, it makes my mouth water just thinking about it! I think body sprays have become my new favourite thing about LUSH, I think they're more value for money when you compare the staying power to the liquid and solid perfume. I mean, £9 for a solid perfume or £15 for a body spray? Don't get me wrong, I love my solids and have nearly 20 of them, but for the full scent power, hands down it has to go to the body sprays. I am very excited to see what will come next with LUSH as they adventure into making more body sprays. I am really hoping and praying for an American Cream, Calacas and The Comforter mainly, but I think I will write a separate blog post all about what I would love for them to release. Who knows, they may read it and agree!

Picture Credit - Google Images
 Planning Edinburgh
Over the past two years, myself and Reece have visited Edinburgh right before Christmas and I have completely fallen in love with this city. I love everything about Edinburgh, the architecture is stunning, the shops are great, the gardens are beautiful and I really love the atmosphere of the city. I have really enjoyed both times that myself and Reece have visited, so when we were discussing maybe going away for a couple of nights for my birthday, I decided within minutes that I wanted to stay in Edinburgh, as I feel like one day trip just isn't enough time to see everything that this gorgeous city has to offer. I am super happy with the hotel we have booked! Our room has a view of Edinburgh Castle, which will be so lovely to wake up to! The hotel also has a pool, which was what I really wanted as I love going swimming, I love being in the water, but I very rarely actually do it. I think the last time I went swimming was when myself and Reece went to Blackpool for my 21st.. I turn 24 this year! I really looked for a hotel with a pool and I was pleased to find this one. It also has a huge terrace to sit out on, so I'm hoping we can get a dry, clear and not so cold night to sit out with a bottle of wine. We actually walked past this hotel last time we were in Edinburgh and commented on how lovely it looked, so I am really excited to be staying there! We did initially plan to spend our time wandering around and visiting museums, which we will do as I really want to visit the National Museum of Scotland and it isn't far of a walk from where we are staying, but I have found somewhere just outside of Edinburgh that I really want to visit. I was googling for shopping centres, as I have asked for money for my birthday from my parents so I can treat myself while I am away, and I saw that in a place called Livingston, just an hour on the bus, there is a huge discount centre, a massive shopping centre (that includes a LUSH!) and a gigantic TKMaxx! So as we are staying for two nights, we will probably visit the shopping centre on the full day that we have, just to make sure we don't miss trains back home. I will for sure be sharing our trip to Edinburgh with you all in a blog post pretty soon, so make sure to keep an eye out for that!
Pictured - Tea Tree Water toner water and 9 to 5 cleanser
After taking what felt like forever to finish my Spring Cleanser that I purchased from the LUSH Kitchen a while ago, I have moved back to using 9 to 5 and my skin is so much better for it! My skin feels better, more hydrated and less oily, and I can see my acne scarring reducing and the redness not being so violent. I haven't changed anything else in my skincare regime, so I am putting it down to this cleanser! I do enjoy this cleanser a lot, and I can't understand why I ever stopped using it. I have tried so many different skin care products and I just couldn't seem to find the right one for my skin, but I think I may have mastered it! I also always follow up with my Tea Tree Water to tone and freshen my skin. This is another product that I love, as you can feel the effects as soon as you've used this product. My skin feels really soft to touch, like that silky soft feel you get after applying a good face mask. I am still on the hunt for a good peeling product, as I have used a couple before and really like them, but I can't find one strong enough and unfortunately, LUSH don't have any peeling products. I am also looking for a good first step cleanser, I want a balm like consistency that will remove all my make up! If you have any recommendations, please let me know down in the comments below!

Picture Credit - Google Images
 Planning Paris
After what feels like forever, Reece is finally turning 21! We have discussed a few times about going away on holiday together, but with living in different countries, it looks like a nightmare to try and fly together as it would mean one of us flying to the other one and then flying together, but you have to take into consideration luggage and timing and it sounds like a disaster waiting to happen, but we're going to do it! We have spoken about visiting many places together and we finally decided on Paris! I am super super super excited about this! Do you ever not have something on your radar at all, you've never considered going there and never gave it a second thought, until you start looking at hotels and things to do and photos of the city, and then you get overly obsessed can't stop thinking about all the pretty pictures you're going to take, the great food you're going to eat and the memories you're going to make? I have become obsessed with finding the perfect hotel, restaurants and planning our trip down to the tiniest details! I love planning trips away, I did this with London and it was so exciting! I am a little nervous as I think my anxiety will hit a peak, as I get very nervous in places that I have never visited before. However, if London taught me anything, it was to stay in a hotel and not an apartment if you have anxiety and will not sleep at night for being paranoid that everything is going to go wrong! So far, we have agreed that we will visit the Eiffel Tower, because who goes to Paris and doesn't?! I have suggested that we visit the Louvre, because it is just as iconic, Reece has said he would like to visit the PSG stadium and probably the most exciting part of the trip and the part I am looking most forward to, Reece has agreed that we can visit Disneyland! I cannot wait! I have been researching everything I possibly can about Disneyland, how to get there, how much the tickets cost, fast track prices, places to eat whilst we're there, what you can buy in the shops - and that doesn't even scratch the surface! I can't wait to sit and plan this out once we have decided on where we're going to stay, so if you've visited Paris and you have some hotel recommendations that are central, lovely and not overly expensive, let me know down in the comments or direct message me on Instagram! Once we have a full plan laid out I will definitely let you all know what we plan to get up to!

What have you been enjoying this February? Make sure to let me know in the comments section! Also, if you have any skin care recommendations or any Paris recommendations, leave them in the comments too!


Thank you for taking the time to read my blog post, it is very appreciated! Make sure to follow so you can see the next time I post! ♥ xo
**Disclaimer: All views, opinions and photos are my own unless otherwise stated.**

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