♥ How I Store My LUSH Collection - Updated!

August 13, 2017

When you have a lot of LUSH you have to have a dedicated area in which you store it, right? I have changed where and how I store my products a few times now. It started out with my shelf in the bathroom, which my parents soon complained about so I moved it all to my bedroom. I then had a small set of three drawers that kept it all tucked away. They then became too small and I toyed with baskets and boxes but I wanted to store my bath bombs and bubble bars in a dark and dry area out of the sun to make sure they last as long as possible, so I took the plunge and bought furniture specifically for my LUSH! I bought a white ladder shelf which was a complete bargain and a white bathroom sideboard to keep everything in. I will link both pieces of furniture down below if they're still available for you to take a look at if you need something to keep your own stash in! 

Starting from the top of my ladder shelf, is the smallest part of my collection, my body lotions, jelly face masks and my regular line solid perfumes. I have eight 240g tubs of body lotion, all apart from two I have purchased within the last couple of months due to the LUSH Kitchen spoiling us Lushies! I think my favourite body lotion is still American Cream although Calacas is a strong contender! I have these on the top shelf as they are the products I reach for the least. I also have all the jelly face masks that were released in the UK recently. I have tried 1000 Millihelens, Just to Clarify and The Birth of Venus so far and I quite like them. I also have two original jelly face masks that were shown at the LUSH Summit. I actually won these in a giveaway from an Instagram user called @lushlover_. The formula has changed since the Summit, hence why it took a while for these to be released so I'm glad I have them in my collection. I also only have 4 solid perfumes from the regular line but I'm hoping to expand my solid perfume collection when the Volume 4 perfumes hit stores, which should be very soon!

The second shelf is probably my favourite as I find it so visually pleasing! Here I have my eight 500g bottles, my body sprays, my small collection of bottled perfumes and my LUSH Kitchen solid perfumes. This shelf holds some of my most precious LUSH items that I own. I have my two American Cream liquid perfumes, which may not smell perfect but I'm still so glad I own them and my 500g bottle of Ponche which was very kindly gifted to me last year by my local LUSH store. Up until last year I didn't own any 500g bottles, but I accidentally picked up Rose Jam and Bubbly in this size and it started a need for more! I currently only own 3 body sprays but I have a feeling we may be getting a new one for Halloween or Christmas this year, so I think this may grow! I think I have a good amount of Kitchen solids and there are only a couple I would love to get my hands on, American Cream of course and Lord of Misrule.

This shelf is home to my shower jellies and miscellaneous large black pots which you can't see in this photo as they're all tucked away at the back! I have a lot of shower jellies  as I find them great for a quick shower, being able to use them as both shower gel and shampoo. I also love that you can use these for bubbles, they really are a great innovative product that can be used for so many different uses. I have also recently added my Bath Bakes pots to this shelf as I wanted to show case them and they fit on here perfectly. I have fallen in love with these products, they all smell insanely beautiful and I can't wait to grow this collection. I have never been disappointed with a product from Bath Bakes and I highly doubt I ever will be! I have bath creams, bath glazes, sugar whips and a crumble scrub and I could not recommend them enough! I am currently writing a whole blog post dedicated entirely to this brand so keep an eye out for that if you're interested in trying these out!

My last shelf is dedicated to my 250g bottles, which is probably the largest part of my collection. I have managed to collect every one of these bottles in just over a year. I believe my first 250g bottles were Calacas and Sonic Death Monkey, which were my first ever Kitchen order about 14 months ago and then the collection just kept spiralling and here we are at 31 bottles! They are all different bar I have two Calacas as I love that scent so much! I also have my one and only 1kg bottle, which is of course Snow Fairy! Last year I had Snow Fairy in every size possible, 100g, 250g, 500g and my 1kg and I'm still on my 250g bottle, so I think it'll be a while till I get to this bottle! But I couldn't say no to it in the Boxing Day sales when I realised that this bottle would only set me back £11! I think this is part of my collection that will definitely continue to grow as I love my shower gels and I love pairing them with other products in matching scents or trying them out with other products. I also love to use these to wash my hair with, my favourites being Snow Fairy, Plum Rain and Lord of Misrule as I find they leave my hair super soft and easily managed. I also keep my little sample pots and my lip scrubs in a little tray underneath the shelves and my old copies of the LUSH Times that I have wrote a couple of blog posts on that I will link down below.

My bath bombs and bubble bars are the part of my collection that change the most often as I go through bath bombs so quick! I use one and sometimes two, in every single bath I have, so they never stay around for long. My bubble bar collection is just growing constantly as I never use a whole bar in one go and I keep buying new ones when they come out and I bulk buy ones that I really like that are limited edition or being discontinued. I have some bubble bars that are around 3 years old and they still work just as well as the fresh ones, so I will use these until the go. Bath bombs on the other hand, I can't keep hold of for long as they just become duds and won't perform as they are supposed to in the bath.I imagine this part of my collection will grow a hell of a lot once I have been to the Showcase in September and once the Halloween and Christmas stock comes to stores as some of them products are my complete favourite and I like to stock up on those. 

The bottom two drawers of my cabinet are for miscellaneous products including fresh shampoo bars, wash cards, FUN, massage bars and hot oil hair treatments. This is basically my drawer for all the products that aren't in tubs and need to be stored away. I also keep my samples in here that aren't in black pots so that I know where they are. This drawer is getting pretty full and I need to start reaching for these more often! I used to wash my hair with FUN all the time and I really liked it, so I may incorporate this into my routine again as I don't want to run out of my Dr Peppermint shampoo bar and I have a lot of FUN to get through! My bottom drawer is full of bars of soap that I never ever reach for, yet this part of my collection never stops growing as when limited edition soaps come out, I can't help but grab a piece! I don't not use them because I don't like them, because I really do enjoy them when I do use them, I just don't want to leave them in the bathroom as I still live with my parents and I know they'll use them all up! I think when I move out this part of my collection will start to drop.

I think this is possibly the most pointless part of my collection is stored away at all times in my Karma wooden gift box from the Kitchen, is my collection of gift tags and gift inserts that tell you what products came in what gift sets. I started collecting these after Christmas 2016 and it's grown quite a lot since then! I make sure that I purchase a gift box from every limited edition release so I can add to my collection of gift boxes and I can have the tags and insert to look back on and compare from year to year. I know quite a few people who collect these and I think they're really quite cool! I might frame them when I move out and put them on show as it's a shame they're tucked away all the time.

And last but not least, what is a LUSH collection without a LUSH Kitchen Polaroid collection! I have a total of 50 Polaroids at the moment, which I think is quite an accomplishment as I have only been buying from the Kitchen for about 14 months so I think 50 orders is quite good! I have had more Kitchen products than 50 though as I have purchased via group orders and in destashes, so I have a few products that I don't have a Polaroid for. My favourite Polaroid by far is the Celebrate one from the LUSH Kitchen's third birthday as it has embossed gold on it and I think it's really pretty! This one also has all the Kitchen members on which is rather rare! I don't know what I want to do with these, I did initially store them all in a book but I've took them out as I didn't like them on there. I think I might either frame these too or get some string with pegs to hang them on. Let me know down below in the comments what you do with your LUSH Kitchen Polaroids! 

I still don't think I have a large LUSH collection, I'd say I have a modest medium sized collection. I know for a fact that my collection is going to continue to grow and I am so excited to add to it! I think we're going to get a lot of new products in the upcoming months to replace everything that has been discontinued this year and I can't wait to see whats to come. I also plan to buy quite a lot at the Creative Showcase, as I think for me this is going to be a once in a life time opportunity for me to do and I want to be able to grab as much as I possibly can! I also know I'm going to buy  a lot this Christmas and Halloween. I feel this is going to be a good year for new LUSH!

You can find my previous posts all about the old copies of LUSH Times here and here.
You can find my white ladder shelf here and my sideboard here.

Thank you for taking the time to read my blog post, it is very appreciated! Make sure to follow so you can see the next time I post! ♥ xo
**Disclaimer: All views, opinions and photos are my own.**

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