♥ August Favorites

August 28, 2017

The month of August has dragged for me. I think it's because myself and Reece booked to go to London at the beginning of September and he's coming over here on the 31st, so naturally the month takes longer to end when you're really looking forward to something! This has also been a long month as I have been putting plenty of hours in at work, I don't think I've finished before 5pm, which is one hell of a long day! But the month of August is nearly over and I would like to share with you all some products that I have been enjoying this month!

Pictured - One Eskimo bubble bar
When this a photo of this bubble bar was shared over the internet, I think everybody wanted to get their hands on it, especially when the scent information was released and we all learnt that this bubble bar smelt just like Christingle! I think everybody was a little disappointed when it was released only to specific stores and we can't even purchase One Eskimo online. Luckily, I have a very lovely friend Jess, who I met on Instagram (@snapsoflush) very kindly asked me if I wanted any picked up as she was visiting Oxford Street. I nearly bit her hand off! I thought I was going to have to wait until September to get myself a couple, I couldn't wait to try this out! One Eskimo is a chunky bubble bar! You are definitely getting your moneys worth with this one. The scent is just like I imagined, a sweet mint scent that is super cooling in the bath. This bubble bar would make a beautiful combination with Intergalactic and Christingle, to cool you down on a hot summer night! I believe this bubble bar can be purchased at Oxford Street and all stores that have music playing in them. If you can get your hands on one, I would really recommend giving it a go!   

Pictured - Bates Motel 
(Photo Credit: Google Images)
Ever since Pretty Little Liars has finished, I haven't found another TV show that I've become really interested in. I was browsing through Netflix the other day and thought I'd take a look and see if there was anything I liked the sound of. I'd heard quite a few things about Bates Motel, and even though I've never actually seen the film Psycho, which this show is based off, I knew I'd be able to follow the story without the information of the film as the show is like a prequel, to explain how Norman Bates came to be the way he is. If I'm not interested in a show within the first five minutes, I'll leave it and I won't come back to it. With Bates Motel, I was hooked in the first 30 seconds and I've now watched the first two seasons in two days (embarrassing!) Bates Motel follows a young boy called Norman who moves to a small town with his mother. Norman has a strange relationship with his mother and the show shows you how she has gotten inside his head and is able to control how he feels and what he does, as if he has a split personality and she is a part of him. I'm not going to say too much, but I like how there are other story lines apart from how Norman became the way he is in the film. I would highly recommend Bates Motel to anybody who likes Thriller movies, it's really well filmed and the acting is incredible!

Pictured - Zoella Gelat'Eau body spray
I really like to support businesses that I enjoy and one of the things I spend the majority of my free time doing, is catching up on my favourite YouTubers. Whenever a YouTuber releases merch, I feel I'm a bit too old to walk around wearing a Sugg Life t-shirt (although I do have the faces phone case!) One YouTuber who's 'merch' as such, that I can vouch for is Zoe Sugg. Zoe released a beauty range a few years ago and more recently released a life style collection. I have a few pieces from both her beauty line and her lifestyle range. Zoe recently released a new beauty line which carries a fragrance called Jelly and Gelato. I was so excited to smell this collection as Zoe is great at picking scents for her collections. I grabbed myself the 45ml bottle of body mist and I have totally fallen in love with this scent! It's smells like elderflower water, one of my favourite drinks! I will be spritzing myself with this for the rest of the summer and I will probably grab myself some of the other products that carry this scent, like the body wash and body scrub. It smells so fresh as is definitely a great summer scent that stays on your skin for a long time after spraying! This is possibly my favourite Zoella Beauty scent ever! 

And that is all! I've been trying to rack my brain of new things that I have really been enjoying this month, but I've honestly not bought a lot recently as I had to pay for London out of this pay. As I'm writing this, it is a week today until the Creative Showcase and I'm super excited! I should hopefully have a blog post up about my experience and haul there soon, so make sure to pop back for that!


Thank you for taking the time to read my blog post, it is very appreciated! Make sure to follow so you can see the next time I post! ♥ xo
**Disclaimer: All views, opinions and photos are my own - unless otherwise stated.**

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