♥ Jelly Face Masks - Review!

September 03, 2017

I am all for LUSH creating new products and turning innovation into a world of it's own, but as a huge LUSH fan, even I sometimes think that the products they release can be quite gimmicky. When the photos of the jelly face masks starting surfacing around the internet after the LUSH Summit in February, I had no idea how this was going to work. I imagined it being literally like a shower jelly and having to rub it across your face, quite like Flopsy or Papa Noel. I thought there was no way that these products would make it to stores, I thought they would flop in the process of making them perfect and LUSH would write them off as a bad egg. Oh how I was wrong!
I know that the masks have been out in the UK for a little while now, but I wanted to use as many as I could in order to give a fair review of the products. With a face mask, you can't use it once and claim that it is life changing and you swear by it, you should always use skin care for around a month before you find the true effects it will have on your skin. I still haven't managed to try them all out, but I would like to give you the information I have on them, what they smell like and how I find best to apply them, as I knew quite a few people have found this tricky!

*Disclaimer - Of course, face masks are suited to skin type. I have quite oily skin and as of late quite acne prone (bloody hormones!) so what works for me may not work for you! I will leave a link down below to a detailed article on the LUSH website all about the jelly face masks!*

Pictured - 1000 Millihelens jelly face mask
I think it's only fair to start with the first mask I bought! When these were released into stores, I was counting down the days till pay day and I limited myself to one and only one jelly face mask. I did not walk into the store expecting to leave with 1000 Millihellens, but after a quite chat with one of my local store supervisors, we decided that this choice would be best for my skin. When I sniffed this jelly face mask in store, I really liked it! It has quite a green scent, with an undertone of apple. I was hoping that this would be So White scented, but this mask actually shares it's scent with Johnny Appleseed. 1000 Millihelens aims to beat acne with green tea infusion and witch hazel extract. This is the face mask I have used the most. I applied this every other day for just over a week. I did see a slight change in redness and I didn't get any more spots, but I also didn't lose the ones that I already had. I didn't notice any life changing difference after using this face mask but I will try to use it for at least a month to see if it has any long term effect on my skin.

Pictured - The Birth of Venus jelly face mask
This, is the face mask I intended on purchasing on the launch day. The description of 'a masterpiece of toning fresh sea water, soothing lavender and calming chamomile blue for perfectly balanced skin' sounded right up my street! Also, as I have started to appreciate lavender scents and I had heard that this was Black Pearl scented, I really wanted to see what I'd been missing out on for all these years! The Birth of Venus has a really strong lavender scent, much like Luxury Lush Pud does. It's not a malty scent like Twilight, it's strong and right there when you smell it. You don't have to think about the scent and then take a few moments to realise that this jelly face mask is packed with lavender. In my honest opinion, I think that this is my favourite jelly face mask scent. I have used this when I have also been using Sleepy, so possibly not to benefit my skin, but to more knock me out cold so I can get a good nights sleep! I have found that my skin has been a lot softer after using The Birth of Venus, but again, I haven't seen any difference in the oiliness of my skin or my acne which has become the bane of my life.

Pictured - Just to Clarify jelly face mask
This face mask has such a strange scent if I'm being totally honest. Just to Clarify to me, smells like a mixture of fresh orange juice and a mans aftershave. I am not sure whether I like it or not! I really like the orange tones in the scent, but the other scent that comes with this mask, I'm not sure on. One of the pros of this mask is the few small charcoal pieces that rest on the surface that you can us on specific areas of your face that may need a little extra TLC. I find that this is the hardest of the five masks to apply, for some reason when you press this into the palm of your hand, I don't find it ends in the same consistency that the other masks do. One of the things that sets this mask apart from the rest is the addition of the bamboo stem which gently exfoliates your skin as you rub the mask in, much like the Smugglers Soul facial scrub. I find that this mask exfoliates really well, but I didn't notice it brightening my skin like it suggests it should. I don't feel like this mask is a great match for my skin, so I don't think I will repurchase this once I have finished my tub.

Pictured - FOMO jelly face mask
I just can't work out what this product shares it's scent with! I know I have smelt this before, but I can't place it! I'm thinking a seasonal product to be honest, so if anybody has an idea of what this mask's scent family is, please leave me a comment down below and let me know because it is driving me insane! As I am writing this post, I currently have FOMO on my face, which I am seriously hoping will give me happy skin like it states on the tub! FOMO includes ingredients such as calamine powder and rose absolute. I think out of all the jelly face masks, this is probably the easiest one that I have found to apply. I find this one breaks down to a paste like consistency the quickest and you aren't left with awkward chunks on your face, feeling like you've wasted a little bit of product at every use. I like this one, my skin feels soft after using it and I'm quite excited to give it a proper go and see how I like it in the long run. I think my little pot of FOMO will be what I bring down to London with me!

Pictured - Bunny Moon jelly face mask
This is the face mask that I was most excited for, how blooming cute is that name! I've heard a few mixed responses about the scent of Bunny Moon, I've heard people say it's quite a biscuit scent and I've heard some people compare it to Honey I Washed the Kids, I think I'm on my own when I say that this smells nothing like either of them scents to me! I actually really don't like the scent, it's far too floral for me and I don't think I'd be able to stand that scent on my face. It's really too perfumed for me, therefore I haven't tried this jelly face mask and I don't think I'll be able to. I think I'll have to pass judgement on this mask!

I genuinely believed that the outbreak of spots I have had lately has been down to my hormones and a change in medication that messes around with my hormones. But maybe it's not? Maybe it's because I've been trialling and testing these face masks and there is an ingredient in there that just doesn't agree with my skin? It's a possibility, as none of the masks I have used have helped my acne to be gone from my face, despite claiming to be able to 'perfectly balance skin' and telling me I could 'get back the skin you myth'd.'

Overall, I wouldn't recommend these to a friend over the fresh face masks. You may have to keep the fresh face masks in your fridge and it can be quite easy to forget about them, but I think they are easier to apply, and for me, they have done a lot more for my skin than the jelly face masks. If you have skin like mine, where you tend to get oily as the day goes on and you have troubled skin, I would highly suggest trying out Cupcake, Catastrophe Cosmetic or Oatifix. These are my three go to fresh face masks, they work wonders for my skin and I think I'll be sticking with them. You can also pick up a CupcakeCatastrophe Cosmetic or Oatifix, or any of the other fresh face masks for free when you return five cleaned black pots!

You can find the post on the LUSH website regarding the Jelly Face Masks here.

Thank you for taking the time to read my blog post, it is very appreciated! Make sure to follow so you can see the next time I post! ♥ xo
**Disclaimer: All views, opinions and photos are my own.**

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