♥ Harry Potter Warner Bros Studio Tour ϟ

September 24, 2017

One of the things I have been dying to travel down to London to do has been to visit the Harry Potter Warner Bros Studio Tour. I've been adamant on going ever since it opened! I have been a massive Harry Potter fan since the books came out as my Mum bought them for me when Philosophers Stone was first released and then continued to purchase them for me throughout my childhood. I remember saving my £5 pocket money for the newest book to be released and being so excited to get it, reading it page to page as soon as I possibly could. I remember when Deathly Hallows was released and my 'friends' had seen me in town and didn't come over to say hello because I was carrying a Waterstones bag. This really didn't sway me, I'd always been interested in books and reading as a child and that's never changed.

Another thing that hasn't changed it my love for Harry Potter, so much so that when I was 18 I had the Deathly Hallows symbol tattooed on my wrist. I've had many people over the years tell me, 'You'll regret that when you're 80!' and, 'What are you going to tell your kids that is when you're older?' my reply is purely, 'Do you think my kids won't know about Harry Potter?!'

So as the massive Potter fan I am, when Reece and I decided to travel down to London for the LUSH Creative Showcase, I knew this was my perfect opportunity to visit the Warner Bros Studio Tour. I might live in the UK, but London isn't as accessible as I would like it to be as I live in the North and train tickets can be way over £100, at the cheapest! I've also managed to get Reece to enjoy Harry Potter in the three and a half years that we have been together, so I think he was pretty excited to visit the studios too.

We decided to dedicate the most of our third day to visiting the Warner Bros Studio Tour. Things didn't exactly start perfectly as we mistakenly got on the wrong train from Euston to Watford Junction and what should have been a 20 minute journey was actually closer to 45 minutes, making us late for our allotted time. Luckily I rang the customer advice line and they said it was fine and when we actually got there and handed over our tickets that stated 'Valid at 13:30 - 14:00,' they didn't even bat an eyelid! 

I took in total over 600 photos at the Harry Potter Warner Bros Studio Tour, so naturally I can't share them all, but I am going to share the best ones here for you all to see! I also took some videos too, which I have shared over on my Instagram page, @iyastevie, if you wish to take a look at them.

Pictured - The Burrow

Pictured - Malfoy Manor

Pictured - Malfoy Manor

Pictured - Malfoy Manor

Pictured - Ministry of Magic

Pictured - Ministry of Magic

Pictured - Ministry of Magic

Pictured - Dolores Umbridge's office

Pictured - Dolores Umbridge's office

Pictured - Dolores Umbridge's office

Pictured - Hagrid

Pictured - Hagrid

Pictured - Hagrid

Pictured - Rita Skeeter

Pictured - Death Eater masks

Pictured - Hagrid at The Forbidden Forest

Pictured - Remus Lupin's werewolf costume

Pictured - Platform 9 & 3/4, Ginny Weasley

Pictured - Platform 9 & 3/4, Hermione Granger

Pictured - Platform 9 & 3/4, Luna Lovegood

Pictured - Platform 9 & 3/4, Hogwarts Express

Pictured - Platform 9 & 3/4

Pictured - Hogwarts Express

Pictured - Ginny and Harry Potter, 19 Years Later

Pictured - 19 Years Later

Pictured - Hermione and Ron Weasley, 19 Years Later

Pictured - The Life and Lies of Albus Dumbledore

Pictured - Love Spells

Pictured - Herbology books and items

Pictured - Godrics Hollow

Pictured - Godrics Hollow

Pictured - Godrics Hollow

Pictured - Privet Drive

Pictured - Privet Drive

Pictured - Privet Drive

Pictured - Privet Drive

Pictured - Privet Drive

Pictured - Privet Drive 
Pictured - The Knight Bus

Pictured - The Knight Bus

Pictured - The Knight Bus

Pictured - Hogwarts Bridge

Pictured - Hogwarts Bridge

Pictured - Hogwarts Bridge

Pictured - Chess Pieces

Pictured - Chess Pieces

Pictured - Chess Pieces

Pictured - Goblin masks

Pictured - The Monster Book of Monsters

Pictured - Lord Voldemort

Pictured - Scribbulus, Diagon Alley

Pictured - Quality Pottage, Diagon Alley

Pictured - McMullpeppers Apothecary, Diagon Alley

Pictured - Ollivanders, Diagon Alley

Pictured - Lug and Jiggers Apothecary, Diagon Alley

Pictured - Wiseacres Wizarding Equipment, Diagon Alley

Pictured - Florian Fortescues Ice Cream Parlour, Diagon Alley

Pictured - Flourish and Blotts, Diagon Alley

Pictured - Dragon Roasted Nuts, Diagon Alley

Pictured - Quality Quidditch Supplies, Diagon Alley

Pictured - Eyelops Owl Emporium, Diagon Alley

Pictured - Weasleys Wizarding Wheezes, Diagon Alley

Pictured - Weasleys Wizarding Wheezes, Diagon Alley

Pictured - Madam Malkins, Diagon Alley

Pictured - Madam Malkins, Diagon Alley

Pictured - Rupert Grint's hand prints at the premiere of Deathly Hallows Part 2

Pictured - Daniel Radcliffes's hand prints at the premiere of Deathly Hallows Part 2

Pictured - Emma Watson's hand prints at the premiere of Deathly Hallows Part 2

Pictured - Hogwarts Castle 

Pictured - Hogwarts Castle 

Pictured - Hogwarts Castle 

Pictured - Hogwarts Castle 

Pictured - Hogwarts Castle 

Pictured - Hogwarts Castle 

The gift shop was amazing also! You could buy Harry Potter everything, from the Hogwarts uniform, to the books and DVD's, to jewellery to collectable figurines. I could have spent all day in the gift shop alone! I got myself a Harry key ring, a Dobby pin badge, some Platform 9 & 3/4 earrings and some post cards of the four Hogwarts houses for me to frame.

The Harry Potter Warner Bros Studio Tour did not disappoint at all. This was easily the best day I had in London. It was everything I expected and more! The atmosphere was amazing, everyone was so excited to be there and people really had came from all over the world! It's really quite amazing how a book series can bring so many people together, it's truly magical. I was close to tears a few times because I was so overcome with emotion about seeing everything I had read about and seen on TV so many times before, seeing how the story I loved so much was brought to life and being able to see it with my own eyes is just priceless. 

I couldn't recommend the Harry Potter Warner Bros Studio Tour enough! Whether you're a massive Harry Potter fan like myself, you've only seen the films or you aren't interested at all, I think this is an experience that anybody can appreciate and that every body needs to see at least once. I think it's worth every single penny of the £39 ticket also, and that's not something I say very often!  If you're ever in the London area, I would really recommend looking into visiting the Harry Potter Warner Bros Studio Tour. It's a short train ride away and a bus picks you up right outside the station and drops you off right outside the studio.

I'd go back in a heartbeat if I could, as J K Rowling said, 'Hogwarts will always be there to welcome you home.'

You can purchase tickets for the Harry Potter Warner Bros Studio Tour here and you can also purchase from their online store here.

Thank you for taking the time to read my blog post, it is very appreciated! Make sure to follow so you can see the next time I post! ♥ xo

**Disclaimer: All views, opinions and photos are my own.**

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