♥ September Favourites!

October 01, 2017

September is a month that I wait all year for, the beginning of Autumn! I am much more of an Autumn/Winter person than I am a Summer person. I think there is nothing worse than being too hot in bed or at work and I would much rather stick on a jumper and some boots than wear a Summer dress. Autumn is also the beginning of the count down to my favourite time of the year, Christmas! As a whole, I have loved September a lot and there have been a lot of things I have been enjoying this month too!

Pictured - Bucks Fizz body conditioner
This is one product from the Showcase that I knew I would fall in love with! I'm really lazy when it comes to putting on body lotion, especially in the Summer months as it leaves me feeling too hot and sticky, so I neglect using it quite a lot. This is why I love body conditioners! You apply them after washing whilst in the shower or the bath and then rinse off. The product leaves your skin feeling super soft and moisturised, without feeling sticky or having to wait for the lotion to sink into your skin. After seeing leak that a body conditioner was being released this year called Bucks Fizz, I knew it was going to have either the Celebrate or Bubbly scent, and I was correct! Bucks Fizz smells exactly like Bubbly! Not only does this body conditioner smell good, it does the job really well too! I really feel like this is the best body conditioner LUSH have ever released. If you're a fan of orange scents and you're too lazy sometimes to moisturise your skin, you will love this product! A little bit goes a long way, so don't let the price knock you off as a small tub would last you a long time. I am definitely going to be grabbing a large tub when the seasonal products launch on 6th of October!

Pictured - Christmas Sweater bath bomb
This was the bath bomb I was most excited for when going to the LUSH Creative Showcase at the beginning of September. I had really high expectations for this bath bomb. From the outside, it's red in colour, which I was super excited about as LUSH do not do enough red products in my opinion! The outside has two cute white reindeer's, hence the name Christmas Sweater. When I picked this up and sniffed it at the Showcase, I knew this was going to be one that I was going to love, and I was so right! This is Christmas in a bath bomb. With ingredients such as clove bud oil and cinnamyl alcohol, this reminds me of one of my favourite Christmas candles ever, the Mandarin, Cinnamon & Clove scent from M&S, which if you haven't tried, you must! Not only does this bath bomb smell insane, the art it creates in your bath is unbelievable! Christmas Sweater has made it straight into my top 5 bath bombs, possibly even my top 3! You have to try this bath bomb when they hit stores on the 6th of October, I'll be stocking up for sure! 

Photo credit - Tumblr
As I said before, Autumn is my favourite season of the year. I wait all year round for the leaves to start turning brown and falling from the trees, for the nights to start getting a little darker earlier and for it to still be dark when I wake up. I live for the fashion, parkas start coming out and ankle boots are back in all the stores pairing perfectly with thick tights and cord skirts. I love sitting with my window open when it's pouring down outside and sitting listening to the rain with a cup of tea and a good book. I just love Autumn and everything about it! We're getting closer to Halloween and I have already started to decorate my bedroom for it. And then we have Bonfire night to look forward to, which I love! Myself and Reece have been going to my cities Bonfire show every year since we started going out and I'm hoping we can go to our fourth one this year! It feels more and more like Autumn every day and I love it! I also really enjoy using Tumblr during the Autumn months, so if you are interested you can take a look at my Tumblr here if you enjoy Autumnal photos!

Photo Credit - LUSH Cosmetics 
I'm sorry, but this month is all about LUSH for me! As soon as the Halloween and Christmas ranges are released, I start planning for Boxing Day in the hopes that LUSH will have a sale after Christmas to rid of all their seasonal stock. I have planned and wrote a list for the last couple of years. The first couple of years I wandered in without a plan at all and just picked up what was left as I had to work on Boxing Date. 2014,  I didn't stick to my list at all as I planned to do my sale shop at the store in Newcastle, to stand outside for around 2 hours and then be told inside the store that they weren't taking cards or gift cards. The next year my local store was too maniac to be able to get what was on my list, products were being swiped right in front of my eyes so I didn't even have time to check my list. Last year, I basically memorised my list but as my store is quite small I didn't manage to get a few of the products as the store didn't have them. I attempted to get online but as there were more than 40,000 in the queue ahead of me, I gave up. I have learnt from my mistakes and as there are a couple of gift boxes that I desperately want this year, I'm just going to pay full price for them. I really really wanted the Santa in Space gift last year but missed it and I don't want to miss some of the gift boxes I want this year, so I'm planning to purchase the Jingle Bells and The Man in the Moon gift sets before Christmas! I'm also going to start putting money onto a gift card to ensure I have enough money to get everything I want! I've already made my list so prepare yourself, I plan on purchasing a lot! For the gift sets, the ones I have my eye on are Merry Christmas gift set, Seasons Greetings gift set, The Man in the Moon gift set, Dreamscape gift set, Christmas Bathtime Favourites gift set, Starry Night gift set, Deck the Halls gift set, Jingle Bells gift set, Wonderful Christmas Time gift set, Snowflakes gift set, 12 Days of Christmas gift set, Stardust gift set, Oh Christmas Tree gift set and Star of Wonder gift set. If I manage to grab all the gifts I want, I'll have 93 items in total. I also plan to stock up on some individual products, although I'm not too sure how many of each I want to pick up yet. I'm hoping to grab some bath bombs, including Christmas Sweater, Luxury Lush Pud, Snow Fairy jelly bomb, Thundersnow, Shoot for the Stars, Sherbet Dip, Golden Wonder, Star Light Star Bright and of course, Lord of Misrule. The bubble bars I definitely want to grab are Plum Snow, My Two Front Teeth and Man in the Moon. I also want to grab a 500g bottle of Santas Christmas and Berry Berry Christmas, another large tub of Once Upon a Time body lotion as I don't think it will come back next year, a large pot or two of Bucks Fizz and another pot of Christingle. I also want to grab some more Butterbear wash cards and a large tub of Buche De Noel, hopefully! I know I won't be able to grab everything, but hopefully I can get myself the majority of it all and I will be happy! I'm honestly planning on buying myself so much LUSH it lasts me all year!
Pictured - London
I couldn't write a September Favourites and not mention mine and Reece's trip to London. This was the biggest highlight of September for me by far but I am currently writing a blog post about our trip that I will hopefully post next week, telling you all about it. It was so lovely to be back in London after only being there once, way back in 2010. It was nice to get away with Reece and have our own little apartment and it was also really nice to finally meet Jess, a lovely girl who I have been talking to for almost a year who has become a really good friend. Although being in London was hard for me at times as trying to control my anxiety was proving a little difficult, I'm really glad that I didn't let it get the better of me and I came away from London a little relieved to be going home, but so glad I done it. 

What have you been loving this month? Let me know down in the comments below!


Thank you for taking the time to read my blog post, it is very appreciated! Make sure to follow so you can see the next time I post! ♥ xo
**Disclaimer: All views, opinions and photos are my own unless otherwise stated.**

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