♥ LUSH Creative Showcase Haul

September 16, 2017

If you haven't already read my previous blog posts, I really suggest you read the blog post that can be found here which will give you all the information about the LUSH Creative Showcase, all the products that were available to purchase and will be coming to a store near you on the 6th of October, all the gift sets that you will be able to purchase and the new Volume IV perfumes that are coming to stores this month!

Here, I'm going to show you everything that I purchased at the Showcase. I'm not going to go into huge detail about the products as I have done so on a different blog post (the one linked above, seriously, give it a read!)

So lets start with the huge haul that I had to carry around London for two days!

Pictured - My Creative Showcase and LUSH Oxford Street haul
This is everything that I bought at the Showcase, apart from a Tree-D bath melt because it got crushed and my Fighting Animal Testing t-shirt as it was in the wash! I spent in total over £350, which was actually less than I budgeted for.

Pictured - Mystic knot wrap and Fighting Animal Testing t-shirt and make up bag
Lets start with the swag! As soon as I saw the pictures of this t-shirt circulating around social media on the Monday, I knew I wanted it! I was super happy that I managed to get this in my size as I also really wanted the 'I believe in Snow Fairies' t-shirt but it was unavailable in my size. I was also super happy to grab the make up bag too as I hadn't seen any photos of it online and I think I managed to bag the last one as it was the only one I saw all day! I also got myself a Mystic knot wrap as I knew it would look gorgeous on my pin board along with all my other knot wraps.

Pictured - My Creative Showcase and LUSH Oxford Street haul
The only potted items that I purchased at the Showcase were Once Upon a Time body lotion (So White scented) and Bucks Fizz body conditioner (Bubbly scented.) I grabbed myself a bottle of Santa's Christmas, Berry Berry Christmas and Twilight. I picked up some bubble bars and bath bombs, some wash cards from Oxford Street and some patches in the Swag shop at the Showcase.

Pictured -  My Creative Showcase and LUSH Oxford Street haul
Here you can see my Mystic knot wrap, my Fighting Animal Testing make up bag, some wash cards which were free as at the Showcase they had huge wash cards on the wall so you could rip a piece of, my two perfumes I purchased at Oxford Street, I'm Home and Tank Battle (which you can read more about in this blog post) and some of my patches.

Pictured -  My Creative Showcase and LUSH Oxford Street haul
I am so happy to finally have the Fighting Animal Testing patch as I have wanted it for so long but I always managed to miss it when it was available on line. I also grabbed myself one of each Sparkle Jar and a Star Light Star Bright bath melt bomb.

Pictured -  My Creative Showcase and LUSH Oxford Street haul
This is the majority of the bath and jelly bombs that I purchased, Sherbet FDip, Ectoplasm, Snow Fairy, Thundersnow, Golden Slumbers, Marmalade and  Lord of Misrule.

Pictured - I'm Home and Tank Battle
After smelling all the perfumes at the Showcase, I narrowed it down to two perfumes that I wanted to purchase, I'm Home and Tank Battle. I probably will buy a couple more when they come into the stores. If you would like more information on these perfumes, please see the blog post that can be found here.

That's all the goodies that I purchased at the Showcase and at LUSH Oxford Street. I can't wait for all these to become available in stores so everyone can smell them all and experience how amazing this Christmas is! Let me know down in the comments below what you're most excited for!


Thank you for taking the time to read my blog post, it is very appreciated! Make sure to follow so you can see the next time I post! ♥ xo

**Disclaimer: All views, opinions and photos are my own.**

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