♥ LUSH Creative Showcase 2017!

September 08, 2017

I still can't quite believe that I actually attended the LUSH Creative Showcase! After watching it all unfold over social media for the past few years, I really never thought I'd have the opportunity to go to such an event, but I am so very happy that I did, just to experience it and say I was there! The Showcase was on the first full day that myself and Reece were staying in London, we were a little tired from travelling and trying to see as much as we could the day before, but that wasn't going to stop me from wandering about Old Billingsgate and seeing everything that LUSH had to offer! 

I took over 3000 photos while I was in London and a good amount of them were from the Showcase, I'm going to share some product a gift photos that I took while I was at Old Billingsgate and let you know what must haves are part of this seasonal collection!

** Please note: I have missed taking photos of some of the products and some products were not at the showcase, like Bewitched bubble bar as the delivery didn't make it on time. I missed photographing some of the products as I was also getting products demoed on myself and trying to see and grab things I wanted to buy before they all sold out **

Pictured - Ectoplasm jelly bomb NEW!
I think Ectoplasm was and still is one of the most anticipated products to be released this season. After being previewed at the LUSH Summit in February and then in the LUSH Kitchen not too long ago, I think this product has been on every bodies list to try, whether they are a fan of the jelly bombs or not. I'm glad that this jelly bomb has become part of a collection that will make it to all stores, especially as not all of the jelly bombs are available every where. I like the scent of Ectoplasm, with grapefruit and tangerine oil, it's very citrus! I am super excited to try this out in the water as the one I saw being demoed at the Showcase looked incredible!

Pictured - Lord of Misrule bath bomb
I think the year that LUSH don't release the Lord of Misrule bath bomb will be a sad one, leaving a lot of loyal fans disappointed. Why don't they just make it regular line already? Needless to say, LOM is one of my favourites and even though I promised myself I would only buy new products at the showcase, I had to grab myself a fresh LOM as I have been craving a bath packed with this scent since I forgot to stock up last Boxing Day, fair to say I will not be making that mistake again! 
Pictured - Lord of Misrule, Pumpkin and Monsters Ball bath bombs
Another bath bomb that has made a comeback this year is Pumpkin, which in whole honesty, I'm quite surprised about! I liked this bath bomb last year, but I really didn't think it was startling enough to come back, Pumpkin must have been a lot more popular than I thought! And of course, Monsters Ball is back for 2017! This one I am super happy about as Calacas is one of my favourite scent families and I feel like this scent in this format is stunning, not to mention the gorgeous bath art you get with this bath bomb! I also broke my little rule for this one too, I couldn't not!

Pictured - Sparkly Pumpkin bubble bar
It's no surprise that this bubble bar has made it back to the shelves this year. A much loved Halloween product that has been around for a few years now is Sparkly Pumpkin. Holding a lot of lustre and a sweet toffee scent, this bubble bar is as beautiful in the water as it is out. I didn't pick any up at the Showcase, but I will definitely grab one or two when they come to store.

Pictured - Pink Pumpkin bubble bar NEW!
This is a new product for this year! Pink Pumpkin is in the same shape as Sparkly Pumpkin, but bright pink and with a different scent, this bubble bar is packed with geranium oil and jasmine absolute, making this bar very floral in scent and therefore not up my street! I didn't get myself one of these and I don't intend to, unless it comes in a gift set!

Pictured - Christmas Sweater bath bomb NEW!
This is one of the bath bombs that I saw the day before the launch and I was super excited to give it a sniff! Christmas Sweater smells like Christmas in a bath bomb, packed with cinnamyl alcohol and clove bud oil, if you were a fan of Cinders and you're still upset that it's gone, Christmas Sweater will fill that gap in your collection! I can't wait to see how this one works in the water!

Pictured - Star Light Star Bright bath bomb melt
I am so super happy that LUSH decided to release Star Light Star Bright again as it was one of my favourite bath melts! This year, Star Light Star Bright has been reformulated to a bath bomb melt, much like Golden Egg. This design also has more colour, in oppose to the original blue centre, the tips have different colours to give the effect of a shooting star as this melt bomb fizzes away! I will definitely be picking up a few more of these!

Pictured - Butterbear bath bomb
Of course the beautiful little Butterbear made a come back this year! I don't think it would be Christmas without this one! If you're new to LUSH Christmas, Butterbear is purely the original line bath bomb Butterball but in the shape of a cute bear. Packed with cocoa butter, the scent is a soft chocolate with plenty of sweetness! This bath bomb may not do a lot in the water, but you are guaranteed a moisturising bath.

Pictured - Thundersnow bath bomb NEW!
I think this may be my new favourite bath bomb. I am in love with the sweet chocolate and mint scent that Thundersnow carries. I haven't seen this demoed and I'm quite glad as it will make the first time I use this bath bomb a little more special as I can see for myself how it performs. I know there has been a lot of questions as to whether this will be available everywhere, and I was told it would be an Oxford Street exclusive and then told it would be available in all stores. Even so, this bath bomb is definitely available online and I would highly recommend you grabbing a few! You're going to love this!

Pictured - Never Mind the Ballistics
If I'm being 100% honest, I didn't think that NMTB would be coming back this year! As much as I loved this bath bomb and the sherbet scent, there were a lot of complaints last year about blue and black dots appearing on the bomb after storing for a while. LUSH stated that this was not mould but I know that didn't change peoples opinions. I personally used this bath bomb with the dots that had faintly appeared and the bath bomb performed as normal! I'm glad NMTB came back and I will make sure to stock up on a few!

Pictured - Snow Fairy jelly bomb NEW!
Quite possibly one of the most controversial products that LUSH have released in a while has been the Jelly Bath Bombs. These quite excited me, and when they work well, they really work well! I've never had an issue with the jelly not working correctly, and I have used four, one of each kind of the regular line bombs. Therefore, I was super excited to see that a Snow Fairy scented Jelly Bomb was making it's way to stores this year! For me, Snow Fairy is such a Christmas scent. It reminds me of doing my Christmas shopping and wrapping gifts. I love it and I can't wait to try out this scent in this format and see how it works!

Pictured - Golden Wonder bath bomb
This is another product that I would be shocked if it never came back because, correct me if I'm wrong, this is the only Celebrate scent family product we get on a regular basis? And before anybody says it, Bubbly is not Celebrate scented! In fact, this bath bomb was so popular that LUSH decided to super size it! I actually bought one, which I wasn't sure whether I was going to do until the last minute! I'm super glad I got myself one but I have no idea where I'm going to store it!
Pictured - Luxury Lush Pud bath bomb
It's no surprise that this rainbow of colour has made the cut again! Luxury Lush Pud is a bath bomb that I had steered myself completely clear of until last year. If you have read my previous blog posts, you'll be aware that I wasn't a fan of lavender up until quite recently, and as this bath bomb is packed full of lavender, I daren't even pick it up and give it a sniff never mind purchase it! That was until last Boxing Day when I grabbed one in the sale and a few of the gift boxes I bought had some in. Surprisingly, this was the bath bomb I used the quickest! I didn't pick up another one at the Showcase, but I definitely will be grabbing a few when they come to stores.

Pictured - The Snowman bubbleroon NEW!
How freaking cute is this little bubbleroon! I was expecting The Snowman to share the same scent as Snowman shower jelly, but surprisingly it doesn't! This bubbleroon is very citrus scented, sharing the same scent as the new bath bomb Cheer Up Buttercup, which is a gorgeous scent! I have major issues with using bubble bars that are shaped into little characters and I don't want to cut them up! I imagine this will go lovely with  Cheer Up Buttercup so you can really layer up that scent in the bath!

Pictured - Man in the Moon bubble bar NEW!
 Now this is something I was excited to see! I have been wanting a Calacas scented bubble bar since I bought the shower gel and got my first sniff of that beautiful scent. Man in the Moon isn't as strongly scented as the shower gel or as Monsters Ball, I'd say it lightly scented, more like the body lotion. But just imagine this, running a bath with Man in the Moon bubble bar, dropping in a Monsters Ball and washing with Calacas shower gel and then using the lotion once you're out? Now tell me that doesn't sound like the most perfect bath! I will for certain be stocking up on this bubble bar! Also, for the price you get a hefty product!

Pictured - Tree-D bath melt NEW!
 Tree-D is a huge bath melt! I don't think LUSH have released one that has been this big aside from Star Light Star Bright.  Tree-D has a scent which you wouldn't expect, I was expecting Grass or Needles and Pines or at least Tramp, but no, packed with tangerine and grapefruit oil, this bath melt has a very citrus scent, which I don't mind at all, but I don't think it suits the product aesthetically. Unfortunately the one melt that I picked up at the Showcase got squished by the heavier products that the assistant put on top (damn you!) but I will probably get myself another one when they come to store!

Pictured - Plum Snow bubble bar NEW!
 I seriously think that this is my favourite bubble bar of all time. And I haven't even used it yet! If you couldn't guess already from the name, Plum Snow has the same scent as the Plum Rain shower gel, which is definitely a top 5 scent for me! This bubble bar is huge! I will easily get about 8 baths out of this beautiful bar. This is a one for certain that I will be stocking up on, can I just buy them all?
Pictured - Christmas Cracker bubble bar NEW!
 Another new product! Aren't we being spoilt this year? I love how Christmas Cracker smells, just like Bubble Spinner and Elsie the Giraffe, a very fresh and lemon scent. I can imagine that Christmas Cracker will make beautiful water, whether you use the pink and yellow parts separately or mix them together for a gorgeous orange colour. Unfortunately again the one that I bought got crushed under the heaviness of the other products, but I don't mind too much as I would just crumble it anyway!

Pictured - The Magic of Christmas reusable bubble bar
Another product to make a comeback this year is The Magic of Christmas, which also isn't a shock! I think this is another product that makes up for the loss of Cinders as the spicy cinnamon scent is also carried in this bubble bar. I still have mine left over from last year that I haven't got round to using, so unless I get one in a gift set I don't think I'll grab any this year.

Pictured - Candy Mountain bubble bar
Would it really be Christmas without Candy Mountain? This sweet Snow Fairy scented bubble bar is a favourite for anybody who loves the candyfloss Christmas scent. I will be shocked if this doesn't keep coming back year after, it's probably one of the longest standing returning Christmas products! I love having a couple of these in my stash for whenever I feel like I need a Snow Fairy bath. It creates beautiful pink water and the scent works amazingly in this format!

Pictured - Santa Baby lip tint and potted lip scrub
I think a lot of people were a bit concerned when the leaks reached the general public and thought that only the naked products would be released, but alas, the original packaged products are coming too! Here we have the Santa Baby original packaged lip tint and lip scrub. I don't have a lip scrub and I don't think I ever have, I will have to grab one when they come to store!

Pictured - Sugar Plum Fairy lip tint, potted lip scrub and naked lip tint NEW!
 And again, the Sugar Plum Fairy collection that was brand new last year is back again this year! They have also added the addition of the naked versions too, although I'm not sure how I feel about them. I imagine the lip tint will either be stiff to use or messy to store, so I'm not too sure as to whether I'd buy the naked version and actually use it.

Pictured - Sugar Plum Fairy naked lip scrub NEW!
As you can see, the Sugar Plum Fairy naked lip scrub does look like a gorgeous product! I'm just unsure as to whether I'd like to get one. I feel like these may be a little bit too harsh for the lips in order to keep them all in one block and stop it from breaking apart. I guess I'll try one out in store (even though that grosses me the hell out!) on my hand and see what the texture is!

Pictured - Santa Baby naked lip scrub NEW!
And of course we have the same product but in the Santa Baby flavour. I am quite curious to see how these work, but for the price I would prefer the potted option that I can stick in my make up bag and carry around with me. I'm really not sold on how to store these, would I need to buy a tin? Or would I leave them on a soap dish to collect dust? I'm not sure about these, but you can't knock it till you've tried it!

Pictured - Once Upon a Time body lotion NEW!
This feels a bit like my dreams have come true! If you have read any of my blog posts before, you may have read a post called My Dream Lush Products that I wrote in August, way before I knew any information about the new products that were being released for Christmas and Halloween. The first product I wrote that I would love to see LUSH create was a So White scented body lotion and guess what? LUSH must have read my mind! Once Upon a Time body lotion, in the pot smells a little like a combination of Furze and So White, but as soon as you take that product from the pot and massage over your body, it is purely So White. It smells insane! I can see myself grabbing another big tub of this in the Boxing Day sales!

Pictured - Bucks Fizz potted and naked body conditioner and Bubbly naked shower gel NEW!
Bubbly was a new scent last year that was rumoured to be in the same scent family as Celebrate. I think they are similar in scent, but not exactly the same. Bubbly has more of an orange scent to it, making it slightly different. The new body conditioner this year, Bucks Fizz carries this scent. I couldn't wait to give this a try so the day I got home to my apartment from the Showcase, I jumped in the shower with it! Bucks Fizz is easily the best body conditioner that I have ever used! The thickness of the product is insane, leaving a moisturising coating on your skin where water droplets can form until you pat dry once you're out the shower or bath. I would really recommend trying out this product, it's probably one of my favourites so far!

Pictured - Christingle naked body conditioner NEW!
I love Christingle for those hot summer days where you're dying to go to bed but you know it's going to end up in you dripping in sweat due to the heat. I like to have a bath with everything minty that I have in my collection and then finish up with my potted Christingle. I didn't buy a solid version as I still have my very first ever pot of Christingle, but I know I'll need to grab another this year as I am running pretty low. I might try out the solid format too and see how this works. I can imagine using this version as a body lotion when the heat is really too hot to handle would be nice and refreshing for your skin.

Pictured - Twilight liquid and naked shower gel NEW!
It's about time that Twilight became a seasonal product that will come to all stores after being available at Oxford Street last year and online closer to Christmas. I have made a tiny little bottle last me since last Christmas and I'm quite pleased that I grabbed a new bottle so I don't have to use my little one so sparingly. I can see this possibly becoming permanent in my honest opinion, after the media frenzy over Sleepy can you imagine how the public are going to react when they see there is a shower gel with the same scent? They're going to go mad for it!

Pictured - Bubbly shower gel
It's no surprise that Bubbly is returning for it's second year to our shelves as it went down a total treat last year. I actually have a bottle of this over at Reece's house for when I go and stay as I know I can use this to wash with and to wash my hair. I still have an unopened 500g bottle and a few 100g bottles floating around so I don't think I'll be needing another bottle anytime soon. 

Pictured - Santa's Christmas liquid and naked shower cream NEW!
LUSH are spoiling us this year with new products aren't they! When I saw the preview of this product a few weeks ago, I was so excited! I love the Santa Baby scent and that scent in a shower cream format is just perfect! Santa's Christmas is super thick! But not too thick that you can't get it out of the bottle, it's a perfect consistency and a little bit definitely goes a long way. I think I may need to invest in a 500g bottle of this as I know I'm going to miss it when I get through this bottle! 

Pictured - Butterbear wash card NEW!
How freaking cute is this little bear! I love the Butterball scent, a very soft cocoa scent as the products are packed with cocoa butter. I love the body conditioner as I have a tiny decant of 45g and use it very sparingly. This little wash card is god damn cute I don't think I'd be able to use it! An assistant said she's going to buy a few and create a bunting out of them which I think is such a cute idea, and will make the room smell amazing!

Pictured - Running Man bubble spinner
I'm not 100% sure as to whether this was a Showcase exclusive or whether it's part of the Christmas collection, but as I'm writing this it is available to purchase on the website. Possibly a new comer to the original line to be alongside the Bubble Spinner? I didn't pick one up as I don't use reusable bubble bars to often. Running Man also shares the scent of The Olive Branch family if you were wondering on the scent.

I'm  not going to go into detail about the soaps as I haven't tried any of them, apart from Christmas Citrus at the Showcase, therefore I wouldn't want to talk about the scents as to be honest, I smelt so much the day of the Showcase, I can't remember what they all smelt like! I have photographed I believe all of them so you can see what they look like.

Pictured - Golden Pear soap NEW!

Pictured - Hidden Mountain soap NEW!

Pictured - Shooting Stars soap

Pictured - Baked Alaska soap

Pictured - Snowcloud soap NEW!

Pictured - Christmas Rocker soap NEW!

Pictured = Christmas Citrus soap NEW!

Pictured - Candy Cane Roulade
As much as I am devastated that Yog Log is not returning, meaning that we have absolutely no Yog Nog scented products this year, I am happy to see Candy Cane back! I love using this in a minty bath, like Intergalactic, Freeze and One Eskimo and finishing off with Christingle. I think we need more products in this scent please LUSH!

Pictured - Snow Fairy Sparkle Jar NEW!
I, like everybody else, was slightly sceptical about the Sparkle Jars and whether they would actually work or not. This was the first product that I saw when I walked in and a lovely assistant demoed this on me. I was super surprised by how much I liked it! I've been clinging onto the hope that the Snow Fairy massage bar would come back for Christmas but it hasn't made an appearance in stores since 2014 I believe. This product makes up for that without a doubt! You have a massage bar on the outside and dusting powder on the inside. You use the 'pot' as you would any normal massage bar, expect this doesn't start melting as soon as you touch it, it does take a little longer to turn to oil. Once you have massaged the oils into your skin, you can use a bobby pin to puncture two holes in the top of the 'pot' and sprinkle on some dusting powder! I think this is a great way to get two products in one and I will for sure be using this after a Snow Fairy bath! 

Pictured - Twilight Sparkle Jar NEW!
The Twilight Sparkle Jars work exactly the same as the Snow Fairy ones, apart from obviously this product is Twilight scented. I think again, this one will go down very well with the hype around Sleepy at the moment. I think it smells just like Twilight and wouldn't everybody who is a fan of Twilight love a massage bar in that scent also? And it's filled with Mr Sandman, which I'll be shocked if it doesn't make an appearance in the Kitchen this year as I know it was popular last year!

Pictured - American Cream naked hair conditioner and The Guvner naked deodorant
These products are actually on the LUSH Kitchen menu for next week (week commencing 11th September!) I can't tell you too much about these products as I haven't tried them and I didn't make any purchases, but they did smell exactly like their original bottled forms. I'm not sold on naked hair conditioner, American Cream is my all time favourite product and it would take a lot to make me choose another option when I already know this works so well for my hair! 

Pictured - Stoner Rock and The Greeench solid deodorant
In addition to The Guvner naked deodorant, LUSH have also created a naked version of The Greeench and released a new deodorant, Stoner Rock, which if I remember correctly, smells like Frozen. I've never tried a deodorant from LUSH, but if I had to try one it would probably be Stoner Rock.

The next few photos are of the Knot Wrap station that they had at the end of the Christmas product section, just before you entered Halloween. Some of the knot wraps this year are absolutely stunning! I purchased the Mystic knot wrap, but one that is on my list to definitely purchase is the Butterbear knot wrap which you can find on the LUSH website here. It's one of the huge knot wraps and would look gorgeous up on your bedroom wall or as a centre piece in your living room!
Pictured - Knot Wrap Station

Pictured - Knot Wrap Station

Pictured - Knot Wrap Station

And now we're onto the much anticipated perfumes. I thought I would like more than I did, I was really intrigued to smell them all as I had heard so much about them, but unfortunately (maybe fortunately for my bank card) my nose didn't take to some of them as much as I had wished.  

Pictured - Tank Battle perfume
Tank Battle is one of the perfumes that I have heard a lot of people talking about. I've heard a lot of people say that this is their new favourite scent, so I was super excited to see what all the fuss was about. As soon as you spray this perfume to your skin, you smell the most beautiful sweet bubblegum scent that you've ever smelt in your life, but as soon as you smell that scent it's gone and it's replaced with a scent similar to when the ground has been extremely dry and we've had no rain for days and out of nowhere a thunder storm happens and that dry floor is soaking from the rain water, it's a damp and earthy scent that's quite intriguing. Then after a few minutes of the perfume being on your skin, it soaks into a scent quite reminiscent of Dettol, but not the cleaning product, more the antiseptic liquid.  Every now and then you'll get a whiff of the bubblegum scent, and then the damp scent and then it's back to Dettol. It's like a magical perfume that changes on the skin, it's so en-capturing. It's a very strange and unique scent but I appreciate it so much that I bought a bottle - but Reece isn't a fan!

Pictured - Volume 4 solid perfumes
You may notice a difference in these solid perfumes to what we are used to, solid perfumes will no longer be in a tin! They will from now on be in glass pots, quite similar to the lip scrub pots! I like this idea, they look tidier and neater and are probably harder to dint or break. The only downside of these tubs is that the pot isn't as wide, meaning that you don't have as much surface space of the product, but more depth. This may cause an issue when you are trying to apply the perfume or when you are halfway through your tub, you may find it harder to get to the product. Overall though, I like that you can see the product in these pots and I like that they are all different colours in oppose to the standard milky orange colour we get with some. I will probably collect all of these just so I can have the scent to refer to.

Pictured - Icon perfume
I wasn't sure whether I was going to like this perfume or not, turns out I wasn't a fan at all. Icon has an ingredients list which contains bergamot oil, tangerine oil, Sicilian mandarin oil and myrrh resinoid. I think it's the myrrh which makes this scent too spicy and dark for me, but I can appreciate the scent and how different it is. I won't be purchasing this in the future.

Pictured - I'm Home and Cardamon Coffee perfumes
I have such high hopes for both of these perfumes. I intended to purchase both, but only ended up buying a bottle of I'm Home. When you spray I'm Home on the skin, you get a burnt cinnamon kind of scent, reminiscent of a bakery at Christmas. As the scent soaks into your skin it gets softer and sweeter, smelling more and more like slightly burnt chocolate cookies. I can understand why it was named I'm Home, as the scent is very comforting and quite foodie like. I have a feeling this is going to be my scent for the Winter and it excites me! Another perfume I planned on purchasing was Cardamon Coffee, but this was not for me. This perfumes smells very much like dark roast coffee breath, it's not what I was expecting at all. I wanted Cardamon Coffee to be like coffee and vanilla, like a latte, sweet and sugary, and in whole honesty it was completely different. I'm not going to write this one off just yet, I'm going to wait until it comes to store, but with a price tag of £38, I'll have to be 100% sure I like the scent before I purchase it.

Pictured - White Label Perfumes
As you can see, all the perfumes are being redesigned, where the signature images are being removed from the previous Volumes and everything is being replaced with a clean white front label and a nice square bottle. If I'm being honest, I prefer this. I like that they all match and they will all line up nicely (when I finally get round to buying some more!)

Pictured - What Would Love Do? and Rentless perfumes
Another two perfumes that are being released as part of Volume IV are What Would Love Do? and Rentless. I very nearly bought both of these when they were in the Kitchen, but I was put off as usually whatever LUSH say a product smells like, I tend to pick up on the other ingredients. I was put off purchasing What Would Love Do? as I saw that lavender was listed in the ingredients, but the perfume doesn't come across as very lavender. You can definitely smell the tangerine oil, therefore this appeals to me more now. For only £15 for 30ml, I will definitely be adding this bottle to my collection once they are available in stores! The other perfume I considered purchasing was Rentless, I had heard this being compared to Metamorphosis, which put me off and then Lord of Misrule, which made me regret not purchasing it. I would say that Rentless is somewhere in the middle between the two. I will definitely have to give it another sniff when it appears on the shelves of my local!

Pictured - The DuchessThe Heiress and The Actress perfumes
These perfumes are super rare, they have never been available for purchase and I'm not too sure as to whether they ever will be. Being 100% honest, I can't remember the difference between The Actress and The Heiress, I know one of them smelt like pure lilies, which I was not a fan of at all and put it back straight away. The Duchess on the other hand, is one of the most beautiful perfumes that I have ever smelt. The Duchess has a very sweet scent, slightly floral tone but that it not the main note, it kind of candy like. If this perfume became available, I would purchase it hand down as I really fell in love with this perfume and couldn't stop sniffing it!

Now we have all the swag that was available to purchase! There were t-shirts, jumpers, tote bags, make up bags, and of course, patches! I grabbed a Fighting Animal Testing make up bag, a Fighting Animal Testing t-shirt and a few patches.

Pictured - LUSH Swag

Pictured - LUSH Swag

Pictured - LUSH Swag

Pictured - LUSH Swag

Pictured - LUSH Swag

Pictured - LUSH Swag

Finally, we've reached the last part of this blog post, the gift section! I think this is the biggest gift selection that LUSH have ever released over the Christmas season and I can't wait to dig my paws into it for the Boxing Day sale - yes, I'm thinking that far ahead already!

Pictured - Rosy Christmas gift set
Contains - Rose Jam naked shower gel and Rose Jam bubbleroon
Price - £14.95

Pictured - Sparkle gift set
Contains - Bucks Fizz body conditioner, Bubbly shower gel, Shooting Stars soap, Salt and Peppermint Bark body scrub and Snowman shower jelly.
Price: £32.95

Pictured - Joy to the World gift set
Contains - Twilight, Rose Jam, Berry Berry Christmas and Snow Fairy naked shower gels, Snow Fairy naked body conditioner, Once Upon a Time naked body lotion, Salt and Peppermint Bark body scrub, Sugar Plum Fairy naked lip scrub, Twilight sparkle jar, Baked Alaska soap, Saucy Snowcake soap, Snowcloud soap, Thundersnow bath bomb, Christmas Eve bubble bar, Plum Snow bubble bar, Christmas Cracker bubble bar, Golden Wonder bath bomb, Never Mind the Ballistics bath bomb, Star Light Star Bright bath bomb melt, Snow Angel bath bomb melt, Magic Wand reusable bubble bar, Shoot for the Stars bath bomb, Bucks Fizz naked body conditioner, Butterbear bath bomb and Snow Fairy jelly bomb.
Price: £150

Pictured - Golden Wonder gift set
Contains - Golden Wonder bath bomb and Man in the Moon bubble bar
Price: £13.95

Pictured - Secret Garden gift set
Contains - Ro's Argan body conditioner, Rose Jam shower gel, Twilight shower gel, Serendipity soap, Sleepy body lotion, Jason and the Argan Oil shampoo bar and Buffy body butter.
Price: £39.95

Pictured - Evergreen gift set
Contains - Evergreen knot wrap, Hidden Mountain soap, Santa's Christmas naked shower cream and Salt and Peppermint Bark body scrub.
Price: £23.50

Pictured - Oh Christmas Tree gift set
Contains - Oh Christmas Tree knot wrap, Never Mind the Ballistics bath bomb, Marmalade jelly bomb, Luxury Lush Pud bath bomb and Intergalatic bath bomb.
Price: £24.95

Pictured - The Snowman gift set
Contains - The Snowman bubbleroon, Butterbear bath bomb, Man in the Moon bubble bar and Snow Angel bath bomb melt
Price - £20.95

Pictured - Christmas Bathtime Favourites gift set
Contains - Golden Wonder bath bomb, Shoot for the Stars bath bomb, Never Mind the Ballistics bath bomb, Luxury Lush Pud bath bomb, Christmas Sweater bath bomb, Thunderstruck bath bomb, Butterbear bath bomb, Sherbert Dip bath bomb and Snow Fairy jelly bomb
Price: £44.95

Pictured - Little Snow Fairy gift set
Contains - Snow Fairy shower gel and Snow Fairy jelly bomb
Price - £11.50

Pictured - Seasons Greetings gift set
Contains - The Snowman bubbleroon, Man in the Moon bubble bar, Christmas Sweater bath bomb, My Two Front Teeth bubble bar , Thundersnow bath bomb and Sherbet Dip bath bomb.
Price - £32.50

Pictured - Christmas Candy Box gift set
Contains - Candy Mountain bubble bar, Snow Fairy shower gel, Rockstar soap and Luxury Lush Pud bath bomb
Price - £17.95

Pictured - Snap! gift set
Contains - Christmas Cracker bubble bar, Whoosh shower jelly and Rocket Science bath bomb
Price - £16.50

Pictured - 12 Days of Christmas gift set
Contains - Bubbly shower gel, Never Mind the Ballistics bath bomb, Golden Wonder bath bomb, Plum Snow bubble bar, Christmas Eve bubble bar, Snow Fairy shower gel, Christmas Cracker bubble bar, Baked Alaska soap, Christmas Sweater bath bomb, Bucks Fizz body conditioner, Sherbet Dip bath bomb and Shoot for the Stars bath bomb.
Price - £67.50

Pictured - Deck the Halls gift set
Contains - The Comforter shower cream, Plum Snow bubble bar and Shoot for the Stars bath bomb
Price - £17.95

Pictured - Starry Night gift set
Contains - Starry Night knot wrap, Twilight sparkle jar and Twilight naked shower gel
Price - £16.95

Pictured - Happy Christmas gift set
Contains - Berry Berry Christmas shower gel, Bubbly shower gel, Santa's Belly shower jelly, Baked Alaska soap, Happy Hippy shower gel, Christingle body conditioner and Christmas Citrus soap.
Price - £41.95

Pictured - Wonderful Christmas Time gift set
Contains - The Snowman bubbleroon, Christmas Eve bubble bar, The Comforter bubble bar, Candy Mountain bubble bar, Christmas Cracker bubble bar, Man in the Moon bubble bar, Star Light Star Bright bath bomb melt, Snow Angel bath bomb melt, Golden Wonder bath bomb, Christmas Sweater bath bomb, Luxury Lush Pud bath bomb, Thundersnow bath bomb, Butterbear bath bomb, Intergalactic bath bomb, Snow Fairy jelly bomb, Shoot for the Stars bath bomb, Lord of Misrule bath bomb, Never Mind the Ballistics bath bomb and The Magic of Christmas reusable bubble bar

Pictured - The Man in the Moon gift set
Contains - The Man in the Moon bubble bar, Sleepy body lotion, Twilight shower gel, Twilight sparkle jar, Twilight bath bomb, Shoot for the Stars bath bomb, The Magic of Christmas reusable bubble bar and Rocket Science bath bomb.
Price - £44.95

Pictured - Sweet Christmas gift set
Contains - Candy Mountain bubble bar and Think Pink bath bomb
Price - £10.50

Pictured - Snowflakes gift set
Contains - Plum Snow bubble bar, Snowcloud soap, Thundersnow bath bomb and Snow Fairy naked body conditioner
Price - £29.95

Pictured - Intergalactic gift set
Contains - Shoot for the Stars bath bomb,  Intergalactic bath bomb and Thundersnow bath bomb
Price - £16.50

Pictured - The Night Before Christmas gift set
Contains - Shoot for the Stars bath bomb and Christmas Eve bubble bar
Price - £10.95

And there we have it! All the products that I got to view, touch, smell and buy at the LUSH Creative Showcase! I apologise for the length of this blog post, congratulations for making it to the end! All of these products and more are available to purchase right now on the LUSH UK website and will be available to purchase in stores on the 6th of October!

You can view and purchase the Halloween and Christmas collection here.

Thank you for taking the time to read my blog post, it is very appreciated! Make sure to follow so you can see the next time I post! ♥ xo
**Disclaimer: All views, opinions and photos are my own.**

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