♥ Bath Bakes Review!

August 20, 2017

For a couple of years, when it comes to my bath products I have rarely swayed from anything but LUSH. I use LUSH for everything, my hair, my skincare, my shower products, literally everything! I follow a lot of Lushies on Instagram and some of the lovely people I follow don't restrict themselves as much as I have done and buy from lots of different companies. I like LUSH because I like knowing that the products are handmade, they try to be as natural as they possibly can and not to mention that their products are bloody amazing. 

I had been awing over the Bath Bakes products for a long time, as a lovely girl I follow on Instagram, @lushandgigglesis a huge Bath Bakes fan and after seeing her photos and reading what she had to say about the products, I thought I'd really like them.  I was particularly excited about these products because a lot of people have told me they smell good enough to eat, and I can confirm that they do! I made my first purchase last month and it was seriously that good, I made another order this month and grabbed everything I could afford!

My first order contained Vanilla Bean and Fudge De Leche bath creams. I wanted the 'foodie' scented products so I skipped the limited collection for last month as it was very fruity and to be honest, I regretted it as soon as I pressed pay! I waited for my parcel for only a mere few days and I was so pleased when I finally had Bath Bakes products in my life.

Pictured: Vanilla Bean bath cream

Vanilla Bean is very much a light foodie scent with, in my opinion, notes of butterscotch, just like Butterscotch Angels Delight pudding. The consistency is super thick in the tub but it melts into you once you start massaging it into your skin. It's such a soft texture, it feels amazing! After using my bath creams, my skin felt super soft and smelt amazing, with the scent lingering on the skin for a few hours after leaving the bath.  

Pictured: Fudge De Leche bath creams

Fudge De Leche smells like creamy vanilla fudge, a gorgeous scent that would pair beautifully with anything from the Yog Nog or Snowcake families from LUSH. I really did have to stop myself dipping a finger in and seeing if it tastes how it smells! As for how the bath creams work, a little goes a really long way. I took a small scoop and it lathered up really nicely, a small bit covering my entire body. The bath creams are also titled as a shaving cream and I agree that this is the perfect consistency to shave your pins. It doesn't clump under the razor and doesn't cause a barrier between the razor and the skin, meaning no stray hairs are left behind. 

After how happy I was with my first small order, I knew I had to grab some new items when the next collection launched. I'd had an inkling about the theme, Ice Cream Parlour, due to the teasing images all over the Bath Bakes Instagram account, so I knew I was going to love these products and to prepare myself, I set an alarm for 6pm. I was straight on the website as soon as my iPhone told me it was time, I added everything I could to my basket and checked out as soon as possible to make sure I got my goodies!

Pictured: Mint Choc bath cream

I grabbed another bath cream as I was so happy with my Vanilla Bean and Fudge De Leche tubs, I knew I'd love this product in more scents. I grabbed the Mint Choc bath cream. I love anything that has a minty scent, I love anything mint from LUSH, like Intergalactic and Christingle and my favourite candle ever is Candy Cane Lane from Yankee Candle, so I knew I would love this product. Mint Choc smells just like After Eight mints! It's the perfect combination of sweet mint and chocolate and seriously smells so good I could eat it! This product works just like the other bath creams I have, melting into the skin and lathering beautifully!

Pictured: Strawberry Velvet bath cream

I also grabbed another bath cream as I had looked at the Strawberry Velvet the first time I placed an order but it wasn't available to buy. I love strawberries and everything strawberry scented, I just find that some companies find it quite hard to make a strawberry product and it actually smell like strawberries. I know that LUSH has the Yummy Mummy or Yummy Yummy Yummy scent family, but being 100% honest, it doesn't smell like strawberries does it? Strawberry Velvet on the other hand, really does! It smells, to me, like a strawberry cheesecake, quite a foodie scent but you still have the fresh strawberry aroma coming through. I also love the extra little touch to this tub with the strawberry on top! You can never fault Bath Bakes presentation!

Pictured: Cookies and Cream sugar whip 

I love using exfoliating products in the bath and I go through Rub Rub Rub and Scrubee's so quick it's ridiculous. I think there's nothing better than getting out the bath and having silky smooth skin, especially when you've got fresh bedding, ahhh! When I saw that Bath Bakes also made sugar whips, which are intended to enjoy a 'lathering gentle buff,' I was sold! Bath Bakes have a regular line sugar whip called Lavender Anglaise which I have been told is similar to LUSH's Twilight scent family. I planned to purchase a tub but then I saw that as part of the Ice Cream Parlour collection, Bath Bakes had created a Cookies and Cream scented sugar whip and I fell in love with the idea of it. Oh and it did not disappoint! Cookies and Cream smells just like a freshly baked cookie, it smells so god I actually want to eat it. If the ingredients didn't tell me it contained salt, I probably would try it! This works beautifully on the skin, giving you a gentle scrub to work with that it's abrasive as some scrubs can be. It smells delicious and works perfectly!

Pictured: Coconut Mallow body conditioner.

The second to last product that I picked up was the Coconut Mallow body conditioner. I didn't even look at what the product actually was, I saw the two words coconut and mallow and decided that this would smell insanely good and added it to my basket. If you have never used a body conditioner before, you are to use these types of products as you would a hair conditioner. You wash your body and then apply your body conditioner to your damp skin and then rinse, just like a hair conditioner. I find the best pro of using a body conditioner is that you don't need to use a body lotion when you leave the bath as the conditioner has given your body that little extra moisture that you might need. I love this idea as I hate being sticky from applying lotion and I find body conditioners to be a good work around. However, when I feel a little dry, especially on my arms, I will apply body conditioner just like I would a lotion and I can confirm that this works. I have taken a small amount of Coconut Mallow and applied it to my skin, and it works amazingly. The product sunk into my skin super quick so I'm not left with a tacky feeling to my skin, just super silky smooth! This product also smells amazing, it's more of a gentle scent than some of the other products that I have used from Bath Bakes, but I can definitely appreciate the soft coconut scent with a sweet marshmallow fragrance. Coconut Mallow pairs beautifully with every Bath Bakes product I've tried, the scent is so gentle and easy to combo!

Pictured: Rocky Road crumble scrub

And finally, the product I was most excited about, my Rocky Road crumble scrub! This product is heaven in a tub. The scent of Rocky Road is perfect, like my most favourite desert, just like it's name packed with chocolate and biscuit and a little bit of an adult kick with a slight alcohol scent that I can't work out whether it's Rum or Brandy, can you guess I don't drink.. This is thick, so a little bit goes a long way, as it does with all Bath Bakes products! I really regret not buying more of these tubs as I know I'm going to go through this one super quick and as it's limited edition there's no promise that it will be back! This is probably my favourite Bath Bakes product I own! Do you ever get them tiny bumps on the back of your arm? This product will be your life saver! One use of Rocky Road and they're gone! While this crumble scrub gives a more deep exfoliation than he sugar scrubs, it doesn't hurt to use, it doesn't feel like your scraping through your skin, it really is the perfect consistency. I am in love and I need more! 

I can't wait to grab some more products from Bath Bakes and for the next collection release to see what products will be available. I think it's really good to support homemade businesses, especially when their products are this good! I applaud anybody who can make products by hand and make them this amazing and beautifully presented. Sara Meg, you deserve a huge hug for how much love you put into your products and creating such delicious scents! 

With a good sized collection of products including the bath creams, shower creams, sugar whips and a solid scrub that I've heard can compare to LUSH's much loved Scrubee, I think it's fair to say that if you like LUSH, you'll love Bath Bakes! I've fallen in love with this company and I think this may be my latest addiction..

You can find all these scrumptious products here and you can follow Bath Bakes on Instagram to see sneaky peeks of the newest collections and get updates on releases and restocks at @bathbakelove

Thank you for taking the time to read my blog post, it is very appreciated! Make sure to follow so you can see the next time I post! ♥ xo
**Disclaimer: All views, opinions and photos are my own.**

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