♥ LUSH Exclusive Body Lotions!

August 15, 2018

I think we've all been waiting for this day, ever since the batch of exclusive shower gels were released and everyone had that little piece of the Kitchen back. I've definitely been waiting for the next release of exclusive products and I am very pleased with the decisions! The body lotion mystery started on the 1st of August when the LUSH Kitchen Instagram account posted a video of Mark saying, 'and now it's body lotions!' with a caption that ask people what they wanted. The requests came in thick and fast, there are over 3000 comments on that post! That's the most interaction that the LUSH Kitchen have had in a long time, as most of their posts barely reach 100 comments nowadays. Finally, after what felt like a life time of waiting, the scents have been released! I know that every single one of these scents was very highly requested and I already can't wait to get my hands on some tubs!

Let's dive into the products that will be emptying most of our bank accounts!

*Please note: the ingredients depicted in the images may not be in the final product, but the images should depict the scent based on other products within the same scent family.*

Pictured - Gardenia, Clove Bud and Ylang Ylang 

Yog Nog
THIS is one of the lotions that I requested! I absolutely adore the Yog Nog scent and I would really like to see more products in this scent family. I feel like the Yog Nog scent is slowly dying out. If you have never smelt Yog Nog before, the combination of clove bud oil, ylang ylang and gardenia may sound like a floral combination, but it's very much not! Yog Nog smells like a creamy Christmas bakery! The scent has been in a couple of products, the bath bomb was gorgeous, although the bath art was nothing special, the liquid and solid perfumes sell on eBay for a ridiculous price and the shower roulade didn't really kick off well due to the format of the product. I'd say the only product that did really well was the soap as it also looks extra pretty! I don't feel like the products have done the scent justice, I think a body lotion would suit the creamy nutmeg scent very well. I also think this scent would be perfect in a shower gel or cream format too. I imagine that this lotion will be the first to sell out. I will definitely be buying a tub or two of this, it would be rude not to as I asked for it!

Pictured - Honey, Beeswax and Sweet Orange Oil

Noni I Washed the Kids
A Honey I Washed the Kids scented body lotion is another product that I have been pining for for a while and another one that I requested! LUSH have changed the game with this one a little bit, removing the honey from the ingredients list and using noni instead to make the product vegan for everybody to enjoy! Although I am pleased about the removal of honey, I really hope it doesn't effect the scent much. I am hoping that the scent of this lotion will be more like Scrubee and the soap, in oppose to It's Raining Men. This scent family is loved by many, I can see this lotion selling out very quick. A Noni I Washed the Kids will definitely be getting added to my basket!

Pictured - Nettle, Avocado and Cocoa Butter

Avocado No Wash
I'm not surprised to see Avocado No Wash on the list. I feel like this is a scent that most Lushies are just falling in love with due to their only being one product in store with the scent and following the release of the shower gel, everybody has gone mad for it! I really like the scent, I had tried it in the original form of the co-wash but I found it done nothing for my hair, so I love being able to get my Avocado Wash fix in a different format. I think the scent in a body lotion would be perfect for the spring time, the gorgeous sweetie scent is so uplifting and fresh. If you didn't manage to grab yourself a bottle of the shower gel and are curious about the scent, pop into your local LUSH and give Avocado Co-Wash a sniff, it's amazing! Yet another lotion that will be coming home to me!

Pictured  - Aloe Vera, Lime Oil and Neroli

It's no secret that Calacas is one of my all time favourite scents, the sweet lime fragrance gets me everytime! I think every Lushie has tried something Calacas scented, if you liked Monsters Ball or Man in the Moon, you'll like the lotion! If you didn't already know, Calacas body lotion has been released previously, due to a high popular request for it, so I already have a tub. I wouldn't say it's my favourite Calacas scented product ever, because it smells quite watery, however, this lotion was created back in the days when the LUSH Kitchen were churning out brand new products on a daily basis. It's not new news that the products weren't perfect and were sometimes rushed due to demand, so I expect that this batch will smell a lot better. I'm very torn on whether to purchase a tub or not due to that reason. I would be very annoyed if I missed out and this batch smelt as strong as the shower gel but I would be equally as disappointed if I purchased a tub and it was the same as my other. I think Calacas will be added to the maybe pile.

Pictured - Cocoa Butter, Bergamot and Cocoa Powder

Yuzu & Cocoa
I actually can't believe it has taken LUSH this long to release a Yuzu & Cocoa body lotion in the UK. It missed out marginally the first time we were asked what scents we would like to see made into lotions back in the good old days of the Kitchen and was never created, despite them making Maypole, which wasn't a winner either. The Japanese Kitchen made a batch and they sold very well, some people from the UK and NA managed to get tubs for themselves, but the extra fees were ridiculous! I think Yuzu & Cocoa will be a big seller, there are no products left in stores that carry this scent due to the shower cream and the bubbleroon being discontinued and I know that this scent is very much loved. I won't be picking up a tub of Yuzu & Cocoa as it's really not a favourite of mine. I have a 100g bottle that is about two years out of date that I never ever reach for, so I know I won't reach for the lotion.

Pictured - Patchouli, Vanilla Pod and Black Pepper Oil

Lord of Misrule
Another beautiful scent that would be perfect in a body lotion! I own the Lord of Misrule body conditioner and it it one of my most treasured possessions. I am so pleased that LUSH are releasing this scent in a lotion as I multi-purpose my body conditioner for lotion also, which means that the tub is getting less and less. Now I can double up on the scent and still have plenty of product left! It goes without saying that I'll be picking up a tub of this gorgeous vanilla, patchouli and black pepper combination! Lord of Misrule is one of my go to scents and is one of the bath bombs I try and stock up on as I adore having a good LOM bath!

Pictured - Shea Butter, Coconut Oil and Cocoa Butter

I can't believe that they are making this gorgeous, creamy chocolate scent into a body lotion! Again, I have the body conditioner in this scent and I adore it! I always pushed the Butterball scent to the side as I find the bath bomb and Butterbear rather boring as I am all about the bath art, but I grabbed the body conditioner when I saw the chance and I am so pleased I did. It made me fall in love with the scent. I managed to grab a shower gel too, but that I'm not so impressed with as the cocoa butter is quite chunky and very much resembles a wet bowel movement when you try to use it. However, consistency issues aside, it does smell beautiful and I can only imagine that the body lotion is going to smell just as good! I will definitely be purchasing a tub of Butterball and I can't wait to cover myself head to toe in it!

Pictured - Dried Sultanas, Oilbanum Oil and Dried Cranberries

Again, I'm not surprised that Sultana is being made into a body lotion as it is another very loved scent that will make a lot of people happy. Sultana is one of LUSH's oldest scents, being the scent of Blackberry bath bomb which was the oldest surviving bath bomb up until it's discontinuation last year. I have never been a fan of the scent, I wasn't keen on Blackberry and I didn't like the scent of the soap. I did purchase a bottle of the shower gel, purely for FOMO! I didn't want to not purchase a bottle and then somehow fall in love with the scent and not be able to get one. I didn't fall in love with the scent, I still don't like it very much so I won't be getting myself a tub of Sultana.

Pictured - Tonka, Cocoa Butter and Fresh Strawberries

Yummy Mummy
This is a product that a lot of people have been waiting for. After the chaos around the Mothers Day release last year and everybody getting on their high horse about the body conditioner not being released, I'm surprised that they haven't made this quicker. Yummy Mummy is another very loved scent that I'm not fond of. I have a 250ml bottle of the shower cream and a Peeping Santa stored away, but it's not a scent that I reach for often nor ever crave. I think Yummy Mummy is going to be another popular product, especially due to LUSH not releasing the shower cream this Mothers Day and having no Kitchen release like we would have expected in previous years. I won't be picking up a pot as I don't think I'd ever reach for it.

Pictured - Honey, Vanilla Pod and Fresh Strawberries

American Cream
And yet another lotion that I am not surprised is making it's way online! Anything American Cream scented sells out fast, the lotion always sold out quick in past Kitchen releases, American Pie never stuck around for very long and the shower gel went out of stock sharpish a couple of months ago. I still have my original pot of American Cream body lotion from my first ever LUSH Kitchen order way back when. I use it so super sparingly as I don't want to be without it! I would love to pick up another tub but I just don't know if I can justify it as I already have a tub. I know I am saying this now, and when they're released I'll purchase ten, but humour me! The lotion I have still smells as good as the day I bought it, the perfect creamy scent of fresh strawberries, vanilla and honey. My ultimate favourite scent that LUSH have ever created!

What do you think of the lotion choices? Did any that you requested make the final cut? What do you plan to treat yourself to when they become available? Let me know down in the comments below!


Thank you for taking the time to read my blog post, it is very appreciated! Make sure to follow so you can see the next time I post! ♥ xo

**Disclaimer: All views and opinions are my own. All photo credit to LUSH Cosmetics and @markatlush**

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