♥ LUSH Rumours!

August 27, 2018

This time of the year always sparks conversation about discontinuation of products and what new items will be gracing our stores soon. LUSH usually provide us with a list of all the products that will be going away, but they seem to be doing it differently this year and taking items in dribs and drabs. We've already seen some products leave us, Marmalade and Green Coconut jelly bombs for example, but I have heard that we are loosing another handful of products. I have also heard that we are getting some new products coming to stores, which I am super excited about! I also have some scent  information on the Halloween products which are due to launch in early September!

*All information stated in this post is rumours unless otherwise stated. Please don't take this information as 100% accurate*

There are four products that I have heard are being discontinued and a couple of them will probably pull a heart string on a few people.

Pictured - Rub Rub Rub shower scrub
This one breaks my heart. I heard this being rumoured a couple of months ago and I spoke to my local store and they said that they had heard nothing, which I took as good news. This rumour has surfaced again and with the release of Magic Crystals and Scrub Scrub Scrub (more information to follow down below!) this wouldn't surprise me now. I really love RRR and the scent. I feel like the Sakura scent family is another one that LUSH are slowly killing off, which is annoying because it's a brilliant fresh and clean scent for those days where you don't want to smell like a flower, sweet or nature. I love using this scrub for shaving my legs, it leaves your skin so silky smooth. I'm hoping this one is wrong and RRR is staying, but I wouldn't be surprised if this is true.

Pictured - Avobath bath bomb
This discon wouldn't surprise me in the least! However, I would like them to just give Avobath a bit of a revamp. Avobath has been around for years and it has everything in scent, the lemongrass is very potent and this bath bomb is one of the strongest scented in my opinion. However, it's nothing special in terms of bath art, so I can see why sales may be down on this one. I would never pick up an Avobath when I'm popping into LUSH for some bombs, I gravitate more to Intergalactic and The Experimenter for the beautiful bath art. I think they should just rework this one, stick some lustre in the middle and a disc of colour and I think sales would pick up. They done it with Think Pink, so I don't see why they can't with Avobath

Pictured - H'Suan Wen Hua hair moisturiser
I really can't comment on whether this product works well as I have never used it. I do have a sample, but the last thing my hair needs is moisture as I have quite oily hair, so I have never reached for it. I do know quite a few people who use this product though. It's always a little rough when LUSH discontinue a hair product as you can guarantee that this will be a holy grail product for a few people and it really sucks when LUSH get rid of products that really work for people.

Pictured - Karma Kream body lotion
This one has surprised me, a lot! Considering that when LUSH brought out the exclusive shower gels, they also brought out Karma, you'd think that this would be a popular scent choice and the lotion would sell well. I would have imagined that if we didn't already have Karma Kream in the regular line, it would have been highly requested when Mark asked for requests for the body lotion launch. I have a small tub of Karma Kream from 2015 that I barely ever reach for, but I would still be sad to see this one go. I have to be in the mood for a Karma bath, but it's my go to scent family for pairing with The Experimenter. If this is going I'll have to grab a medium tub to keep hold of.

We have already lost a few items this year, so these are just additions to the list! We have lost Green Coconut and Marmalade jelly bombs already, which I honestly wasn't too fussed about. Anyway, to lighten the mood, let's move onto the new products!

We have already seen some new products make their way to our stores. It seems that any LUSH Labs products are coming out, so I wouldn't rush to purchase them from the website. We have already seen the bubble brushes some to store and the pods are on their way! More importantly, I've heard that some Summit items will be joining our stores pretty soon! We've already had a glimpse of this with the Turtle jelly bomb becoming regular line, but apparently there is more!

Pictured - Minamisoma, Argan Dragon and Coco Loco shower oils
This excites me a lot! If you didn't manage to get your hands on the shower oils from the Summit, they are quite like a naked body conditioner, in which they leave a silky smooth feeling to the skin. There are eight in total, Almond Blossom, Argan Dragon, Coco Loco, Cool Beans, Minamisoma, Nausicaa's Golden Flask, Peace Pioneers and Vertical Abhyanga. A couple of these shower oils have scents that you would be familiar with, Argan Dragon smells like Bubblegum lip scrub, Coco Loco shares it's scent with Yellow Submarine, Minamisoma is part of the Avocado Co Wash scent family and my personal favourite Peace Pioneers smells like Butterball. I have tried a few of mine and I am very pleased with how they work. I believe that the idea was this product is all you needed for a good wash in the shower, however I prefer to use mine like a body conditioner, after I have washed. You also don't need to use lotion after bathing as your skin has soaked up all the oils and will be left nicely moisturised. I think that the shower oils will be a brilliant addition to the regular line.

Pictured - Mermaid bath bomb
Mermaid is a stunning bath bomb! It's like a pastel version of Intergalatic but with an Avobath scent. This would make perfect sense to be released to the main line if LUSH have made the decision to get rid of Avobath. The colours in the bomb are gorgeous and you can get some stunning bath art.

Pictured - Tiger Tiger Burning Bright bath bomb
I wasn't overly keen on the scent of Tiger Tiger, which most people stated was Prince Charming scented, but I honestly thought it smelt like Lovestruck - yack! Scent aside, this bath bomb is really pretty in the water and makes gorgeous bath art. I think this would be a brilliant addition to the main line.

From the LUSH Summit, I have also heard a rumour that Samphire soap will; be joining the regular line too. I don't get excited about soap so this one doesn't really bother me. Another addition will be a naked version of Rub Rub Rub. This makes zero sense to me as they discontinued this last year. However, I have heard that the version that was available to purchase at the Showcase last year was completely different in texture and didn't scratch the crap out of you like the square version did. I believe that the version coming out is shaped like Christingle and Bucks Fizz naked body conditioners were last Christmas.

I've also heard that some amazing limited collection and Kitchen items are coming to store! These are products I am super excited about as I really love!

Pictured - April Showers bath bomb
I was very surprised with how much I loved this bath bomb. I didn't plan on purchasing any April Showers when it was released for Mothers Day way back in the Spring. However, I did and I loved it. It was definitely one of my favourite products from that release and I know a lot of lushies would be pleased to see it back on the shelves. The bath art is gorgeous and it leaves the waters a milky colour. I really liked pairing this with Mother of Pearl bubble bar. If this does come back and you've got a Mother of Pearl try it out, you won't regret it!

Pictured - The Comforter shower jelly
I have heard this rumour flying around for a while now and if it wasn't for Deep Sleep coming to stores, I would have brushed this off. We really are lacking in the shower jelly department with only two regular line jellies since last years discons. I am not really that much of a fan of either. Whoosh definitely doesn't do it for me, I can't stand the scent. Deep Sleep is nice, but the scent is very strong lavender and I much prefer the Twilight jelly, the addition of the tonka is what I really like. The Comforter shower jelly is amazing and this would definitely make up for LUSH discontinuing Sweetie Pie all them years ago. The Comforter is amazing for washing your hair with so if this does make it to stores, I'll be looking forward to using my tub up!

I have also heard that we will be getting liquid versions of Tender is the Night, Here Comes the Sun and Antiope, which I have known for a few months now. This really excites me as I loved the scent of Tender is the Night and Here Comes the Sun, but I really don't like the naked format. I'm intrigued by Antiope, I've heard a few people say when they've melted it down to liquid it smells nicer, I wasn't keen on the naked versions scent at all.

So now we have discussed what is leaving and what is coming, let's talk about Halloween! Halloween will be launching early this year, before the Creative Showcase on the 23rd of September. I think this makes sense, I didn't feel like I had time or the spare cash to stock up on some items last year as my payday went on the Showcase and then before I knew it Halloween was off the shelves. I have seen a rumour about the final product list and some of the scents that these products will carry! Any product with a * is brand new for this year.

* Ectoplasm liquid shower cream 
* Ectoplasm naked shower cream
* Ectoplasm liquid perfume
* Ectoplasm solid perfume
* Ectoplasm wash card
Ectoplasm jelly bomb

It seems like LUSH are going in on the Ectoplasm scent family this year bringing out a range of products in this scent. I do like the Ectoplasm scent but I think a lot of lushies would much prefer the Calacas scent to have been the main feature of Halloween this year and I would have died if they brought out a perfume! I will purchase the entire range, bar from the naked shower cream.

Lord of Misrule bath bomb 
Monsters Ball bath bomb
Sparkly Pumpkin bubble bar
Bewtiched bubble bar
* Ghost in the Dark soap
Apparently lemongrass scented, I'm hoping this is Slammer! I've also heard that this soap glows in the dark, that's how you get me to buy a soap!
* Eyeball bath bomb
Lavender and orange scented, which I can't think of another scent like it so this may be a brand new scent!

There will also be 4 gifts available this year, one of which will contain the Cinders shower gel that will be coming out for Christmas and of course, some knot wraps! I'm excited to see the knot wraps!

We've also had some information filter through on the LUSH Beta website about perfumes! We're going to get the following perfumes:

Cocktail (a retro perfume)
Orange Blossom (a retro perfume)
Assassin (a retro scent)
Two More Hearts (I'm guessing, Two Hearts Beating as One, a retro scent)
Metamorphosis (like the bath bomb)
Over & Over (like the bath bomb)
It is believed that these perfumes may be making an appearance at the Showcase! These are not planned for store release, but it looks like they will be available online to purchase at some point, or possibly at the Oxford Street store. I think they will be at the Showcase and then available at the Liverpool store when it opens.

I'm really excited to see what comes out in the next month or two and I'm super excited for the Halloween launch! The discons are just rumour at this point and I'll be keeping an eye out for any 'leaving soon' notes online! I'll be going to the Showcase this year and updating my Instagram throughout the day and on the journey home so make sure to follow me for Christmas peeks! 


Thank you for taking the time to read my blog post, it is very appreciated! Make sure to follow so you can see the next time I post! ♥ xo
**Disclaimer: All views, opinions and photos are my own.**

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