♥ My LUSH Bloggers Event Experience!

March 09, 2017

Photo credit: LUSH Cosmetics (edited by me)

I have heard and seen so many things about LUSH blogger events. I have seen photos on Instagram of some of the Lushies I follow attending, I've watched YouTube videos about peoples experiences and I've read blog posts detailing the night. When my local LUSH store posted on Instagram that they were 'calling all local bloggers,' I commented straight away! I do not class myself as a blogger. I haven't done anything to promote this blog, I don't post about it on my social medias and I just like to keep this as a little hobby that I enjoy doing. I have just hit recently hit 700 followers on Instagram but I wouldn't class that as a 'blog' either, as I have been using that account since 2012 and some of the people who follow me are people who went to the same school as me or ex colleagues. So in whole honesty, I don't know why I was even invited to this bloggers event!

All being said, I was very pleased to have an invite. I have had comments when I've been in my local store that they really like my photos and that I should keep tagging the store in them. They have reposted some of my photographs before and I also had one member of staff recognise me and call me by name due to my Instagram!  So when I received a private message on Instagram from my local store, I nearly fell out of my seat when I saw they were asking me for my email address to forward me information regarding the blogging event! It was a total fangirl moment for me and I even screen shotted the message and sent to to Reece, being all 'OH MY GOD!' I live in a relatively small city, so I didn't really think that my store would get much interest in a bloggers event, so when I didn't hear anything for a few weeks and the Mothers Day range was released, I thought it wasn't going to go ahead. I think you can imagine my reaction when I checked my emails to find an email inviting me to the launch of the Easter products, and it was the day before my birthday! 

The week leading up to this event I was really excited and couldn't wait to get my hands on the products and spend all my birthday money before I'd even got it! I get quite anxious about social situations and usually back out of them at the last minute as I start to feel awkward and scared in situations where I don't know anybody. This is an issue that I am dealing with and I think I will write a separate post all about this. I had been thinking about this bloggers event for so long now that I felt it would be a waste of a golden opportunity if I didn't go and I kept thinking that if a few people backed out, the store may not hold events like this in the future and that would be a real shame. So I put on my big girl boots and made my way into town! 

Pictured: Making Creamy Candy bubble bar at LUSH Carlisle

I met two very lovely ladies outside the store when we were waiting to be let in. I was so happy that I wasn't the first and only person there waiting as I hate being in situations like that! Once we were all inside and we introduced our selves and our blogs/Instagrams, we were able to make our own Creamy Candy bubble bars! Creamy Candy is a really nice sweet scented bubble bar that is part of the original range. It was pretty cool to see how bubble bars are made and I was surprised how simple they are to make. I liked that they included this as it was really informative and was quite nice to go home and show my Mum my bubble bar and say, 'I made that!' How many Lushies have a bubble bar in their collection that they can say, 'I made that!'

We were then shown all the amazing new products that are being released for the Easter launch. I was super excited to smell the new products and happy that some of the old favourites were coming back. I'm going to share some photos that I took, but I will be writing an entire blog post on all the products when I buy them and use them.

Pictured: Bunch of Carrots reusable bubble bars

Pictured: Chick 'n' Mix bath bomb

Pictured: Chocolate lip scrub

Pictured: Bundle of Fun, Golden Egg and Carrot gift sets

Pictured: Flopsy face wash jelly

Pictured: Wash Behind Your Ears shower gel

Pictured: Golden Egg bath bomb

Pictured; Which Came First? bath bomb

We were given demos of the products and we were allowed to test them out and give them a try. I was a little reserved to testing out the products, because I didn't want to get wet and not be able to snap some pics! I jump nose first into the products to get a good sniff of every product though. I was so happy that I liked every single product. There wasn't a product that I smelt and didn't like!

Unfortunately, we were unable to purchase any of the products at the blogger event, which was a shame as I planned to buy literally everything, but it will make my birthday that little extra special going into town to buy it all on the release day! However, as a thank you for attending the event we were allowed to choose some products to take home! We had the option of either a Which Came First? or a Chick 'n' Mix and then either a Golden Egg or a 100g bottle of Wash Behind Your Ears. As I have already tried Golden Egg and Which Came First? I opted for a Chick 'n' Mix and a bottle of Wash Behind Your Ears. It was so nice of them to offer this to us and I am so grateful!

My experience at the LUSH blogger event was lovely! I had a really great night, met some lovely people and sniffed some bloody amazing products! Hopefully, my store will have another blogger event in the future and I'll be lucky enough to get an invite! Thank you so much LUSH Carlisle for having me!

Please check out my local store on Instagram - @carlislelush

Thank you for taking the time to read my blog post, it is very appreciated! Make sure to follow so you can see the next time I post! ♥ xo

**Disclaimer: All views, opinions and photos are my own.**

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