♥ November Visit

November 12, 2017

It only feels like yesterday that I was writing a blog post about our September visit, but then again it feels like forever a go that we were in London! It appears to have become a bit of a tradition that Reece comes to me for Halloween. This year it was my turn to go and visit him, but I had an important doctors appointment that I couldn't change or miss, so he ended up coming to stay with me. I unfortunately fell ill with the cold and developed a really bad cough on my last day at work before taking a week off to spend with Reece, so most of the week we spent in bed watching Stranger Things, and when we did venture outside, I ended up feeling ten times worse! How typical for me to end up ill when Reece is here! We did manage to get out and about a little bit, so here is what we got up to..
Pictured - Pizza from Romano's
When myself and Reece go out for lunch we always end up just going to Wetherspoons, as it's cheap, cheerful and we already know the menu! This time, when Reece met me outside of work, I thought we could try somewhere new. I had heard a lot about this little pizzeria inside of our city's market and I had seen people coming into work from their lunch break with huge slices of pizza, so I thought we would try there instead. I got a salami pizza and Reece chose a ham and mushroom. Honestly, the pizza was absolutely delicious and we will definitely be going back! At only £3 for a 9 inch pizza too, you can't complain at all! And yes, I am that girl who tells my boyfriend he can't eat before I snap a photo, I need it for my blog okay! 

Pictured - Pumpkin carving
If you read my October Favourites you'll already know that myself and Reece carved some pumpkins this year! I love carving pumpkins and trying to be a bit creative with my carving, so this year I decided to go Harry Potter themed and carved a mini Harry and the HP logo! Reece and my mum both told me I couldn't do it, so I proved them wrong! Reece carved his initials into his pumpkin. 

 Pictured - Edinburgh
I had been wanting to go back to Edinburgh ever since we first went last year and I was on at Reece for months for us to go back the next time he was here. I was quite annoyed that yet again, we had got there just a little too early for the Christmas Market, as honestly, Christmas Markets are one of my favourite things to do during the festive season. I intended on getting most of my Christmas shopping done, but as no surprise to myself, I bought two Christmas gifts and a lot of stuff for myself! I really enjoy Edinburgh, I feel like we haven't even seen half of it and we will definitely be going back! Edinburgh is a city I could see myself living in, it's absolutely stunning architecture makes the city look so beautiful. I think Edinburgh may be one of my favourite places I've been to.  

Pictured - The Elephant House coffee & cake
Last time we visited Edinburgh, we didn't even know that this little cafe existed until my parents went the week after we did and told us about it. The Elephant House is a small cafe situated on the Royal Mile and claims to be the birthplace of Harry Potter, as J K Rowling herself spent many a days in there, sipping coffee and writing her books. After queueing for about half an hour, because as you can imagine, it's a sought after tourist attraction, we both ordered a latte and I grabbed a slice of chocolate fudge cake. I wasn't keen on the coffee, it was quite strong and a little fruity, but Reece really enjoyed it. I did enjoy the cake though!
Pictured - Fireworks at Carlisle Fire Show 2017
We always attend my city's fire show and just because I was ill this year did not mean I was missing out! We missed the bonfire as we lost track of time and got their quite late, but we did watch and enjoy the fireworks. I love fireworks and how they light up the sky! The field was super muddy, Reece wasn't impressed that I made him walk through a clarty puddle to get to a really good spot to take photos and videos, which I have shared on my Instagram if you would like to take a look.

Pictured - Bookcase, Carlisle
After spending a few days in bed and binge watching Stranger Things, which I am currently obsessed with, I needed to get out as I couldn't stand being stuck in the four walls much longer, so we took a walk into town and went to one of my favourite places in Carlisle, Bookcase. I love this shop so much, I used to spend all day every Saturday in there. Bookcase is a second hand bookshop that is so huge, I still get lost after years of shopping there. I still find rooms that I didn't know existed! The rooms are literally floor to ceiling covered in books and they have one room that is full of really valuable and expensive books, they even had two signed Harry Potter books a couple of years ago! I love to search for first edition Harry Potter books here and I also love to look for vintage Enid Blyton books, as she was one of my favourite authors when I was a child.

Pictured - Bitts Park
We then took a walk around Bitts Park, where we have been many times before. I wanted to get some autumnal photos, but the field was too clarty from the firework show a few nights previous, so I didn't get to take as many photos as I would have liked to. We did come across some musical instrument style artwork that Reece played with for a while, but he said they were out of tune so got a little frustrated that he couldn't get the notes right.

Pictured - The Lanes shopping centre
I was super surprised to see that The Lanes had put up their Christmas decorations! I think this tree is stunning, and I love the hanging decorations that they have put up too. The photos really do not do it justice! It looks beautiful! It really makes me want to put up my tree now but it's in the attic and I am not going up there, too many spiders!

Pictured - Billionaires Latte and Americano in Costas
When me and Reece are together, one thing we love to do is go for coffee, whether it be after I've trawled him around shops or whether we just go out for a coffee. I love when the festive period is upon us and all the coffee shops bring out their festive drinks! Although my favourite has to be Starbucks Christmas Blend coffee, I was quite keen to try a festive drink from Costa this year! I bought myself a Billionaires Latte, a milky coffee with a dollop of chocolate and a large squirt of caramel. I found that even though this drink was gorgeous, it tasted more like a hot chocolate than a coffee and it felt like I was eating it as it had such a foody taste, so I got sick of it quite quick! You can only buy this in a medium size too, so I can't even suggest to get it in a smaller size if you want to try it. It was a lovely drink and Reece enjoyed finishing it off when I couldn't drink anymore, but I don't think I'd buy one again.

It won't be long until I've over to see Reece and then I can share with you all the magic of Northern Ireland at Christmas! We'll be visiting the Christmas Market again and I can't wait!


Thank you for taking the time to read my blog post, it is very appreciated! Make sure to follow so you can see the next time I post! ♥ xo

**Disclaimer: All views, opinions and photos are my own.**

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