♥ October Favourites!

November 04, 2017

October is one of my all time favourite months, it's the peak of Autumn and the Halloween season is upon us! I love everything about October, the chilly days, the dark nights and being able to wrap up well!

Pictured - Honey I Washed the Kids shower jelly

I have been in search of this shower jelly for so long! I managed to grab myself one in a destash and then the LUSH Kitchen decided to release it on their very last week of Kitchen Menus. Whilst I have had issues with my second shower jelly, which we will not go into, I adore the scent of this jelly! This one has made it straight to my favourite! The scent works so well in a jelly format, I can't understand why they have never made this product before?! I am a lover of all things Honey I Washed the Kids scented at the moment, and LUSH, you need to release the liquid perfume asap! This jelly was the perfect addition to my collection and I can't stop using it! I have used it to wash my hair with and that worked amazingly, although it won't be becoming a usual thing as the product is too precious! If you also have a love for all things HIWTK, I would suggest trying it with LOM, I paired these two together and loved it!

Pictured - Pumpkin carving

One of my favourite, and Reece's least favourite things to do when the Halloween season is upon us is to carve pumpkins! I usually just do a face or a mouse or something simple, but I thought this year I would try and push myself a little and I decided to do the Harry Potter logo, which both my mum and Reece said I wouldn't be able to do. Needless to say I gloated a little when, in my opinion, this turned out so great! I also carved a tiny wee Harry with his glasses and scar! Reece carved his music logo into his, which if you would like to check out his music, you can here. I took my pumpkins into work for a competition and unfortunately didn't win, but it's the taking part that counts and I did receive a tonne of compliments on my art work! I was very tempted to grab some more when I saw them down to 10p in Tesco and force Reece to carve once again, but I realised they had all turned to mush so it would have been pointless. I guess I'll have to wait until next year!

Pictured - Stranger Things

After over a year of Reece telling me Stranger Things was well worth the hype and was actually a really good show, I finally gave in and we ended up watching the entire first season in two days. I was hooked from the first episode! Stranger Things is not like I thought it was, which is why I held off watching it for so long. I thought it was all about aliens and UFO's, when in fact the story is about a little kid who gets taken to a parallel universe and how his family and friends work out where he is and how to get him back to reality. If you haven't given it a watch, I dare you to go and try the first episode, you'll be hooked just like I was! We've now started the second season which I'm sure we'll be finished with in a couple of days.

Pictured - LUSH Halloween

I have been obsessed with LUSH's Halloween release this year! There were so many great products this year! The return of Monsters Ball was a hit with everybody, I don't think I've came across a person who doesn't like that Calacas scented bomb. Of course, Lord of Misrule made a come back and so did Pumpkin, which I was slightly surprised about! We also saw the come back of the beautiful Magic Wand soap and the Lord of Misrule shower cream. Although we had a lot of returning products, we also had some new products that I picked up to hoard for a little while! Bewitched was new this year, a black bubble bar in the shape of a cats face, boasting the Sultana of Skin scent. We also had Ectoplasm, a jelly bomb with a very peculiar lime scent that I do quite enjoy and a pink twist on the Sparkly Pumpkin in the shape of Pink Pumpkin, how original on the name LUSH! I think this has been one of the best Halloween releases and every year there seems to be new products being added and releases just keep getting bigger and better!


Thank you for taking the time to read my blog post, it is very appreciated! Make sure to follow so you can see the next time I post! ♥ xo

**Disclaimer: All views, opinions and photos are my own.**

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