♥ LUSH Mothers Day & Easter 2017 - Preview!

January 28, 2017

I couldn't believe it that we're already nearly at the time where the Mothers Day and Easter products will be sold in LUSH! I like how they have released this collection, by loading the products onto the site for every one to see but not buy. This makes it so much easier for Lushies to be able to budget what we want. This also means that we're not going into the store blind, we can kind of make a guess at what the products are going to smell like as the ingredients are also listed online. I'm really rubbish at making a guess at if a product will belong to a scent family, unless I actually smell the item.

Anyway, lets get onto the products! There are loads of new products that are coming out in both these seasons and I can't wait to get my hands on them all! Lets start with Easter..

Pictured: Flopsy face jelly Price: £7.95
I am so excited for this product. If I'm not mistaken, images of this face jelly were floating around the internet last year but this product never surfaced. I know LUSH had a hard time getting Papa Noel, the face jelly that was part of the Christmas 2016 range just right, so I'm guessing that is the reason why this jelly never made it to our shelves last year. Flopsy has ingredients such as fresh carrot infusion, almond oil, lemon oil and gardenia extract, so I imagine this face jelly to be a lovely citrus scent with a slight floral tone. 
Pictured: Chocolate Easter Egg soap Price: £3.50 for 100g
I am never ever excited for soap. I have a huge soap collection, but I rarely use a slice as I have so much and so many shower gels that I love. However, the sound of this soap excites me. I quite like chocolately scents, and this soap includes white chocolate in the ingredients. Chocolate Easter Egg also includes grapefruit oil, Sicilian lemon oil and vanilla absolute, so I may be 100% wrong but I think this may carry the Frozen scent? Either way, I'm excited to grab a slice and try it out!
Pictured: Chocolate lip scrub Price: £5.75
Another product that I am excited about! I had to double check, but this product came out in the LUSH Kitchen not that long ago. This must have been a really popular product to make it to the shelves, it's not very often that we see Kitchen products actually come to store. As you can imagine, Chocolate is made up of dark chocolate, cocoa powder and also tangerine oil, which makes me believe that this product may be a part of the Sonic Death Monkey family, which I have a bottle of the shower gel. If so, this product is going to taste amazing, like a chocolate orange!
Pictured: Wash Behind Your Ears shower gel Price: £5.95 for 100g
THIS is the product I think I was most excited about. New shower gels are my thing! I have a collection of 250g bottles of shower gel, and after picking up 500g bottles of the Christmas exclusives, I think I may have to start a 500g collection as well! I'm not sure what size bottle of Wash Behind Your Ears I'll pick up, with ingredients such as neroli, rose oil and carrot infusion, I really can't imagine what this product is going to smell like. I imagine it's going to smell quite floral, which to me is quite off putting. I was expecting this to have a tangy orange scent or possibly a chocolate scent, so I was quite disappointed when I read the ingredients. I'll still grab a bottle though!

Pictured: Bunch Of Carrots reusable bubble bar Price: £6.50
This little sticks have been around for a few years now and are one of the only products to actually come back. There are so many new products this season that I was worried these little carrots would be forgotten about! In 2015 when they first came to our shelves, all three carrots were orange, until last year when LUSH decided to mix it up a little and gave us one orange, one purple and one pink. It appears that they have stuck to the same design as last year. These bubbles bars are pretty good value for money, you get three bars for your buck and you can use them all separately. The sticks are packed with Sicilian lemon oil and bergamot oil, they smell amazing and give you a great mass of bubbles in the bath! 
Pictured: Chick 'n' Mix bath bomb Price: £6.95
This bath bomb intrigues me. On Instagram I've seen an image of this bath bomb where you can take the top off, so the bomb can be used in two separate parts. I think this is a really good idea for LUSH to do, as with their bigger bath bombs (as you will see as we go on) they do suggest that you can split them in half and use one half in the bath and save the other half for another day. But have you ever tried to split a bath bomb? It's not the easiest task in the world, can get pretty dusty and if you're a total Instagram freak like me where you have to photo every bath you've ever taken, it won't look very picturesque. For the price tag, it is a pretty expensive bath to use it all in one go, so I'm happy LUSH have given that option of splitting it and it being easy to do. Chick 'n' Mix has ingredients such as tonka, dark chocolate and bergamot oil, so I'm not too sure what this product is going to smell like.

Pictured: Which Came First? bath bomb Price: £6.95
As mentioned above, this is one of the bath bombs that LUSH suggest that you split in half and get two baths out of. I personally, just put the whole bath bomb in to get the whole effect of the bath bomb, my boyfriend on the other hand would split this into 20 baths and make it last about a year. There are two different types of people in the world! I thought LUSH had made an error and uploaded the same product twice when I saw Which Came First? on their site twice, but then realised that they are different. While they both carry the same scent, grapefruit oil, Sicilian lemon oil and vanilla absolute, one has spots and one has stripes! No I don't believe that this tiny difference is the reason why LUSH would release the same bath bomb twice, so I'm guessing that the inside of each bomb must be different. Guess it means I'll have to grab some of each and try it out! 

Pictured: Golden Egg bath bomb melt Price:£3.95
Here we have another product that has been released for Easter for a few years now. This is a standard favourite for this time of the year, as with ingredients like sweet wild orange oil and almond oil, this duo of bomb and melt is part of the Honey I Washed the Kids family. I, however, after purchasing and using Error 404, think it is more Error 404 than HIWTK. Either way, this is a lovely product. Once you get over the panic of the glitter that Golden Egg is encased in, the bomb and melt combo is perfect and will leave your skin feeling silky soft and well moisturised. You can guarantee that Golden Egg will be around for a few more Easters to come!

Pictured: Big Blue Egg, Lava Lamp Egg, Integgalactic and The Eggsperimenter 
Price: £4.95 - £5.95
It appears that the LUSH Kitchen like getting in on the release of new seasonal product lately, with the release of Roller on the Kitchen whilst the Valentine Day range is available and now these little cuties are going to be available once the Easter range takes off. All these bath bombs are egg shaped formats of regular line products. At the LUSH Creative Showcase in 2016, there were two items that were available to buy and also made an appearance in the Kitchen, Nebula, which was a huge version of Intergalactic and Mother of Dragons Egg which was a large version of Dragons Egg bath bomb. There were a total hit and people were excited to have a large bath bomb, so much that they sold out really quick on the Kitchen. For the price, I would imagine that these bath bombs are a little bigger than the standard size bombs, but not by much as they are only £2 or so more expensive. I think I may grab a Integgalactic and The Eggsperimenter to probably hold onto for a while and never use as they are so pretty!

And now, for the Mothers Day products!

Pictured: Pink Custard shower jelly Price: £4.25 for 100g
Oh. My. God. A new shower jelly. I have a pretty large collection of shower jellies, in the small 100g pots and the larger pots. When Jelly Week happened on the LUSH Kitchen last July, I bought 4 out of 6 jellies that we available. Obsessed. So a new jelly is right up my street. I was really hoping that Pink Custard would have a raspberry ripple kind of scent, but with ingredients such as lavender, tonka and neroli, its not going to have the scent I imagined. I can't imagine what this will smell like and I'm quite surprised that they have made a lavender based jelly with the release of Twilight shower in the Kitchen not too long ago. This jelly can't have the Twilight scent as it would just be duplicating that jelly but using a different colour. I don't know, but now that I'm coming round to lavender scents, I'm quite eager to try this one out.
Pictured: Yummy Mummy shower cream Price: £4.95 for 100g
This is a product that I do own and I still have my little 100g bottle from last year. To be honest, it's still pretty full. That isn't because I don't like the scent, it's because I rarely reach for my shower creams. I find that they don't lather as well as the shower gels and I feel like I use more product as they appear to be more watery than the gels. That aside, this shower cream does smell amazing and does do it's job in the shower/bath. Yummy Mummy is the range that includes the infamous Roller bath bomb, a sweet tonka, geranium oil and Brazilian orange oil combination. I do think that in this format, this is quite an acquired taste. I thought it smelt lovely, but my Mum on the other hand thought it was awful. I don't think this it the best format for this scent, I think Roller really does the scent justice. I may pick up a 250g bottle of Yummy Mummy. 
Pictured: Sunrise soap Price: £4.25 for 100g
I have a huge chunk of Sunrise that I bought last year in total panic. I thought to myself, 'What if this is the best soap that LUSH ever release and they never bring it back and I can't get my hands on it again?' So I bought the final chunk which was a whopping huge chunk and I've never used it in fear that it would never come back. Well here we are a year later and LUSH have proved me wrong. At least I can get this chunk out and give it a go! Sunrise has a very lovely orange scent due to it being packed with Sicilian mandarin oil and tangerine oil. This soap shares it's scent with the Brightside bubble bar. I like how perfect they look together as they both have the same shades of orange and yellow running through them. I don't think I need to buy anymore this year, but if I happen to purchase a gift set and there's a little bar of Sunrise in there, I won't be complaining!
Pictured: Scrubee body butter Price: £6.95
This little bumble bee excites me! I like it when LUSH release products that aren't just bubble bars and bath bombs. Scrubee is a solid body butter which you rub onto wet skin to release the oils and components which will sink into your skin. Solid body butters are kind of like in shower massage bars, which exfoliating ingredients to shed off all that dead skin! With ingredients like cocoa butter, shea butter, ground almonds for exfoliating and coconut oil you can imagine that Scrubee is going to do wonders for your skin. And with Brazilian orange oil and honey as key ingredients, this excites me even more as it sounds like this little bumble bee is going to be part of the Honey I Washed The Kids range! I may have to grab a few of these as I can imagine I'm going to love this product!

Pictured: Mother Earth bath bomb Price: £7.95
With an astonishing price tag at nearly £8, I can imagine that this bomb is going to be much bigger than the standard size. It has to be. Unless it has a hidden product inside or it's made of gold, I can't imagine why the price tag would be nearly double the price of a standard bath bomb. Either way, this bath bomb intrigues me. LUSH state that the ingredients in this bomb are tangerine oil and peppermint oil. PEPPERMINT OIL. I LOVE MINT. I know that I'm going to love this bath bomb. I don't even need to smell it or see it. Mother Earth also has candy pink lustre and frosty holly lustre listed as ingredients, therefore I can imagine that this bomb is packed with lustre, which sounds perfect to me! I really hope that Mother Earth makes it to stores and isn't a Kitchen exclusive!
Pictured: Ups-A-Daisy bath bomb Price: £3.50
Oh I love how many new bath bombs LUSH are releasing lately. I can imagine that Ups-A-Daisy bath bomb is going to create a wave of colour in the bath as on the other side of this bomb, the colours are orange and pink. With ingredients like rosewood oil and rose absolute, Ups-A-Daisy bath bomb is going to smell very floral with a slight citrus note due to the limonene. I think I'll be grabbing a few of these and stocking up as at that price, who wouldn't!


Pictured: Mum bath bomb Price: £2.95
Here is another bath bomb where LUSH have decided to make two of the same but use different colour schemes. I like this idea, although it means I am going to spend more money as I'm going to want all the different colours, damn you LUSH! I think this is going to be the Mums version of the Fathers Day release Superdad bath bomb. I really like this bath bomb, it looks really cute and something that my Mum would appreciate. Containing Sicilian lemon oil, sweet orange oil and rose oil, I also think that this is going to be a scent that my Mum would like so I may have to grab her a gift set that includes this bath bomb, as well as grab a self for me! I mean, my LUSH collection could count as my kids right?

Pictured: Baa Bar bubble bar Price: £3.95
This little bubble bar looks like it will look very aesthetically pleasing sat next to my Ladybird from the Valentines Day collection! How cute is this little lamb! This bar of bubbles sounds like it would be perfect for a night where you know you need a really good sleep, as the lavender powder,  white clove bud oil and violet leaf sound like a perfect recipe. I can also imagine that Baa Bar will make a beautifully coloured bath with the deep purple that it contains. I will be grabbing a few of these!

Pictured: Elsie the Giraffe (You're Havin' a Bath) reusable bubble bar Price: £5.95
I never really get excited about reusable bubble bars. I find them hard to store and I find that the stick sometimes isn't strong enough to hold the product and I have to leave them out to dry after I've used them and then wherever I leave them ends up marked with the colours and to be honest, that's too much hassle for me. I love the idea of them, getting so many baths out of one product and not having to chop through the beautiful pattern that someone has taken so long to make, but they just never really excite me. However, scratch what I just said because I probably will grab a Elsie the Giraffe purely for the ingredients, lime oil, grapefruit oil and lemon oil. Sound like this is going to be one huge citrus party and I want a ticket! 

Pictured: Your Mother Should Know bubble bar Price: £5.95
Oh I am excited for this last product. I have a huge collection of bubble bars and I use such a tiny amount of them that they just mount up and I end up with so many mixtures of scent and colours, it's amazing. Your Mother Should Know sounds like a really great bubble bar, the colours look so vibrant and will definitely make your bath water a lovely colour. The scent also sounds a lot like the Frozen, with neroli oil, grapefruit oil, and rosewood oil. Yes! I love the Frozen bath bomb so I must remember to  pick one up and combo these two products together.

There we have it, the LUSH 20017 Mothers day and Easter ranges! We have so many new products to enjoy, I really don't know what I want to get my hands on first!I'm going to have to save like a mad man to be able to grab everything that I want. I don't think there are any products that I don't think sound nice and apart from a few I already have, I can probably see myself buying the entirety of both ranges, so keep and eye out for a full review of each product when I do get my hands on it all! I don't have a definite release date for these products, but I imagine it will be some time in February or very early March. 

The Mothers Day and Easter LUSH range gets a..

To be able to view these products for yourself and see a full list of the ingredients, please visit the LUSH website and search the product name.

Thank you for taking the time to read my blog post, it is very appreciated! Make sure to follow so you can see the next time I post! ♥ xo

**Disclaimer: All views and opinions are my own. 
This is not a sponsored post. All photo credit to LUSH Cosmetics**

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