♥ LUSH Mothers Day Haul - 2017!

February 18, 2017

I have been patiently waiting for the release of the LUSH Mothers Day range since it was loaded onto the LUSH website. I thought that the Easter range was being released on the same day and I had a mini panic attack thinking I was going to have to really budget what I bought and be in the same situation I was in with the Valentines Day range where I would have to buy a couple of items and then wait for weeks to buy it all! Fortunately, the Easter range is being released on the 10th of March, (my birthday!) so I could buy every item available in store!

I found that this range is very floral with a slight twist of citrus, there is a lot of rosewood oil, jasmine and lavender in the latest LUSH products and also some sweet orange oil and Sicilian lemon. I do appreciate the couple of honey scented products too! I think there are some really lovely products in this range and definitely a few that I will be grabbing more of!

Pictured: Your Mother Should Know bubble bar
Price:  £5.95

Firstly, I was rather surprised at the size of this bubble bar! For the price, I would have expected this bubble bar to be about this size, but when LUSH release limited edition ranges, I've found that they do tend to bump up the price a little when you compare the size and price of the original line bubble bars. I was so excited to grab a Your Mother Should Know, because just look at them colours! Your Mother Should Know had a very vibrant blue, neon yellow and then a tiny chunk of vivid pink. This bubble bar carries the Frozen scent, which I am super happy about! With ingredients such as grapefruit oil, orange flower absolute and rosewood oil, this is literally the Frozen bath bomb in bubble bar form and I love it! I think this scent comes across really well in bath products. I do own the solid perfume, but I'm not as keen on the solid as I am on the bath products. I think Your Mother Should Know is great value for money and if you use_ a slice of the blue part when using a Frozen bath bomb, I imagine that bath would be bliss!

Pictured: Honey lip scrub
Price: £5.75
This was one product I was not planning on purchasing at all. As much as I love the Honey I Washed the Kids scent, I don't like the taste of honey. I imagined this lip scrub to taste purely like honey, but it doesn't. When I went to my local store I was chatting to one of the lovely ladies who works there and she persuaded me to try it. Honey smells like minty white chocolate with a slight scent of honey. I ended up purchasing one because I always do end up buying more than I intend to in  LUSH! I find that Honey has a different texture to the other lip scrubs that LUSH have released. Honey is stickier than other lip scrubs, the sugar sticks together making it so much easier to get a good amount on your fingers without chucking the product everywhere and losing half of what you have paid for. If you don't know, LUSH lip scrubs are edible, so when you apply the scrub to your lips and rub it in, you can lick it off! I found that Honey has more of a honey taste than smell, but it's not too strong that someone who doesn't like honey would dislike this product. I like how the peppermint oil makes your lips tingle after using it. I am pleasantly surprised with this product, but it still doesn't take over my love for Sugar Plum Fairy.

Pictured: Baa Bar bubble bar
Price: £3.95
I was  keen to buy this bubble bar, purely because it's so god damn cute! Baa Bar is quite a bit smaller than I imagined it would be, but for the price tag I think it's good value for money. Baa Bar contains clove bud oil, jasmine absolute, rose absolute, violet leaf and lavender powder, so as you can imagine the scent is rather complex. I feel like I have smelt this scent before but I can't quite put my finger on what scent family this little sheep belongs to! Baa Bar has a deep purple head and a white body, but inside that deep purple appears again. This bubble bar is not one of my favourites, because I'm just not too sure on the scent. I think with complex scents like these, I need time for them to grow on me or I need to put them in my collection for a while and when the scent tones down slightly, revisit the product and I'll probably like it! I can imagine this bubble bar to make your water really silky and a beautiful shade of purple.

Pictured: Ups-A-Daisy bath bomb
Price: £3.50
I don't think I like this bath bomb. The scent is rose based, as Ups-A-Daisy is packed with rose absolute and rosewood oil. This bath bomb does not carry the Rose Jam scent, this is just a standard rose scent, which I am not a fan of. How typical, this is one that I don't really like and I ended up with two! I have found that Ups-A-Daisy is really dusty. Every time I touch the bath bomb, my finger tips end up covered in the bath bomb dust. I have brushed off any excess dust, as I do whenever I get new products so I can add it to my LUSH dust jar, but I still manage to get covered in dust when I touch this bath bomb. I feel like it's an old bath bomb that is coming to the end of it's fragile life and I don't feel like a brand new bath bomb that was literally released yesterday should be like this. I can imagine that Ups-A-Daisy will look pretty in the bath, but I will have to use another really potent product to cancel out that scent!

Pictured: Pink Custard shower jelly
Price: £4.25 for 100g and £8.50 for £250g
This was probably the product I was most excited for. A new shower jelly is the answer to all my LUSH prayers as I am a huge shower jelly hoarder and I probably own more shower jellies than any other product. The description of Pink Custard sounded amazing, the combination of tonka absolute and vanilla absolute with neroli and lavender oil sounded really lovely. I was thinking that Pink Custard would have a prominently vanilla scent, really milky and smooth. With the name including the word custard, I really hoped that this would be reiterated in the scent somehow. Nope, it's straight up lavender. I am slightly disappointed. With the release of the Twilight shower jelly a couple of months ago in the LUSH Kitchen, I don't really understand why LUSH would create and release another lavender scented shower jelly. Overall, as I am becoming more open to lavender scents, this is a lovely product and it does smell really nice, I am just slightly disappointed with the scent choice.  

Pictured: Mum bubble bar
Price: £2.95
I am in love. I love everything about this bath bomb. I love that you can buy it in two different colours, I love the price tag, I love love love the scent! Mum has ingredients such as Sicilian lemon oil, sweet orange oil, rose oil and gardenia extract, but to me the scent is purely them little Refreshers sweets you use to buy as a kid. The scent is sweet and candy like. If you crave Snow Fairy but you don't want something as potent, Mum is literally the answer. You can purchase two different types of this bubble bar, a yellow version and a pink version and of course I bought both! Mum is quite a small bath bomb and it is quite a fast fizzer, but it's a really lovely bomb! There's a super cute little message on the inside as well which is a cute little touch. I will be stocking up on this bath bomb! The scent is just stunning!

Pictured: Elsie the Giraffe (You're Having a Bath) reusable bubble bar
Price: £6.95
As I stated in my Mothers Day preview I'm not too keen on reusable bubble bars as I find them quite hard to store and they always fall of their sticks or the stick is never strong enough to hold the product. I really didn't plan on purchasing Elsie the Giraffe at all, but as always I ended up picking it up anyway. I am so glad that I did as this is probably in my top 2 favourite products purely for the scent. I have never smelt a LUSH product that is such a citrus blast as Elsie the Giraffe. The combination of grapefruit oil, lemon oil and lime oil is perfect. I love fruity and citrus scents so much and LUSH do them so well! As much as I love the scent and I think that this bubble bar is really pretty, I do not think that it is worth the money. Elsie the Giraffe is nearly £7 and I'm not too sure whether it's because the bubble bar is split into two but you really don't seem to get much product. I also imagine that this bubble bar would make your bath water a slightly 'I'm rather dehydrated' pee colour, but I don't care. I love the scent so much it outweighs the pee colour and the price tag.  I need to figure out what bath bomb to use with this bubble bar!

Pictured: Scrubee body butter
Price: £6.95
Scrubee is probably my favourite product in the LUSH Mothers Day range. How bloody cute is that little bumble bee! The scent is a perfect form of Honey I Washed the Kids which I am super happy about. I have recently fallen in love with the Honey I Washed the Kids scent family and I am so glad to have new products to add to my ever growing collection. With ingredients such as Shea butter, ground almonds, coconut oil, honey and Brazilian orange oil, the moisture that this body butter will give your body is unbelievable. You don't use this body butter in the way you would imagine. You apply Scrubee to damp skin buy rubbing this little bee all over your skin in circular motions. You then rinse off the product, as you will have traces of ground coconut shell and ground almonds which are added in to provide you with the perfect exfoliation. You then hop out of the bath or shower and pat yourself dry and wa la! You will not need to moisturise as your skin will have soaked in the Shea butter and coconut oil and you have exfoliated at the same time! This is one product I would like to purchase at least 3 more of as I love it so much!

Pictured: Best Friends gift set
Price: £24.95
Contains: Rose Bombshell bath bomb, Ladybird bubble bar, Ups-A-Daisy bath bomb, Baa Bar bubble bar and Pink Flamingo reusable bubble bar
I'm not even going to lie, I purchased this gift set purely for the box. The box is so stunning and I needed it to add to my collection. I am going to store all my lip scrubs, solid perfumes and samples in this box as it is the perfect size. I also think that this gift set had a great selection of products, a bit of valentines day with Rose Bombshell and Ladybird, some Mothers Day with Ups-A-Daisy and Baa Bar and then a little bit of the original line with Pink Flamingo. I don't think this is the best gift set you can purchase from this range, I would say that Take Five or the huge Happy Mothers Day would be a better choice, (which I am SO tempted to buy) but I really needed this box! I think I'm going to purchased a gift set from every collection this year as I have started collecting the little info books and tags. I may already have my Easter gift picked out..

I think this range is very hit or miss with me. There are some products that I completely love and some that just don't make the cut for me. In a way, I'm glad there are some that I am not too keen on as it means I can stock up way more on the products that I do love!

LUSH Mothers Day gets a ..

You can find the LUSH Mothers Day range here

Thank you for taking the time to read my blog post, it is very appreciated! Make sure to follow so you can see the next time I post! ♥ xo

**Disclaimer: All views, opinions and photos are my own.**

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