♥ My 100th Blog Post!

July 15, 2018

I can't quite believe that I have managed to maintain my blog for so long, that I have reached my 100th blog post. When I first started blogging, I wanted to create a space where I could write about anything I wanted to. I wanted somewhere that I was able to rant about things that I didn't agree with, I wanted to be able to review products and give a proper detailed explanation as to why I like the product or reasons as to why I wasn't keen, to be able to give some real comments on the products and not just an Instagram caption and I also wanted somewhere to capture all the travelling that myself and my boyfriend do and the amazing times and trips we have together. I started blogging because I love it, and just over two years later, I still love blogging just as much as I did back then. 

When I first started blogging, I thought it would be a little space for me. I never intended for other people to read my posts and at first I never spoke about my blog on my other social media platforms. I thought if people stumble across my posts, then great, but I never went out of my way to let people know about my blog. I had been blogging for quite some time before I stepped out of my comfort zone and posted on Instagram about a blog post that I had written. I didn't want to be ridiculed or laughed at for starting a blog and writing about bath products or what my favourite items of that month were, I just wanted space for myself, to speak about whatever I wanted to.

After finally plucking up the courage and promoting my blog, I have received nothing but kind words! Social media has changed a lot in the last few years and I thought blogging had become a thing of the past and nobody would be interested in reading a post, especially with YouTube really taking off and vlogging becoming such a huge thing, but with the feedback I have had and my total page views, I was wrong. People do want to read honest reviews about products, they do want to hear other peoples opinions and they do want to have a nosey at what you've been enjoying that month and what you've purchased lately. 

I am so pleased that I decided to start my blog. Sometimes I get a little stressed if I can't think of something to write about, as I do like to keep to a schedule of uploading a new post every Sunday and I like to advance write posts if I know I'm going to be away in Ireland or Reece will be here, but it's worth it in the end when I finally click that publish button. My blog is my little escape from the world where I can write whatever I want, when I want. Any post I write, especially about products, is a totally honest review and never a paid promotion, and I like it that way. I don't want people to second guess what I am saying because I am being paid to do so. If I was ever offered the opportunity, I will most likely never take a paid promotion as I feel like that will always make your review bias and I am not about that! I don't make a penny from my blog posts and I have made my blog this way as I want the person reading it to enjoy the post, I don't want ads that they more than likely aren't interested in popping up all over the post and in the sidebar. I want every person who visits my blog to enjoy their read and hopefully want to come back!

I'd also like to say a very big thank you to you, whether this is the first blog post of mine that you have read and you never intend on reading another one or whether you have read a couple, a few or them all, thank you so much for taking the time out of your day to visit my blog and give my posts a read. It really does make my day to see that people are reading my posts and are genuinely interested in what I write. I'm not sure if my blog would have made it this far without you and your support! I'd also like to say thank you to each and every person who has reached out to say that a blog post of mine that they have read has helped them in any way or that they found it a good read, your support means the world to me! ♥

I can't wait to see where I can take my blog to next and I'm so excited to see it grow even more! If you're thinking of starting a blog, just in head first and do it! It was honestly one of the best things that I have ever done :)


Thank you for taking the time to read my blog post, it is very appreciated! Make sure to follow so you can see the next time I post! ♥ xo
**Disclaimer: All views, opinions and photos are my own.**

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