♥ LUSH Kitchen Exclusive Shower Gels - Review

July 01, 2018

What a couple of weeks it has been in the LUSH community! I haven't felt such a buzz for a long time, it's been so nice to see people excited about LUSH again and the groups being busy and everybody chatting again! If you've been living under a rock, LUSH released 7 limited editions liquid shower gels on Friday. Not only is this a very long awaited release due to the lack of liquid products we have been given since Christmas, but it's also really exciting as three of these shower gels have never been released before. 

In the old LUSH Kitchen days, products were available until they sold out. This meant that they would either sell out in minutes or could take days, sometimes even over a week if the product wasn't super popular. This caused a lot of strife for both us, the customers and LUSH themselves. On days where super popular products were being released, the website would crash and there would be so many people left disappointed as they never got to purchase the products they wanted. This caused LUSH to change the game a little. They promised us we would have bigger batches of products that would be available for a longer time. I really believe that LUSH have stuck to this, as all the shower gels are were still available for a short while after release and I can guarantee if these had been released back in the old days, they would have gone in seconds.

LUSH also released another batch a week later to give everybody a fair chance at being able to purchase what they would like. This was another thing that never happened with the LUSH Kitchen, once something was gone, it was gone. I placed an order on the first release day and I also managed to place another order on pay day too, so I'm very pleased that LUSH gave us the opportunity to stock up!

Anyway, onto the gels themselves! 

Just a side note, I didn't purchase Flying Fox as I absolutely despise the Lust scent family which this shower gel shares the same fragrance with and I also didn't purchase a Karma, as I already have over half a bottle and I don't see myself running out of it any time soon. 

Pictured - American Cream shower gel
Oh my gosh. If you have read a previous blog post of mine, 'My Favourite LUSH Scent Families', you would know how bloody ecstatic I was when this shower gel was confirmed! I feel like all my LUSH prayers have been answered and we are finally getting through to the people at the top to give us what we need! I used to request Flosty Gritter bubble bar every single week back in the Kitchen days. Without fail, I would look at the Friday menu, be slightly disappointed that it wasn't listed and then comment requesting it, again and again and again, for months straight! I was so dedicated to getting more products in my collection with the American Cream scent and as bubble bars are one of the products I know I can stock up on and they will perform perfectly even after a year or so, I really wanted Flosty Gritter to come back. I never thought that LUSH would actually make this beautiful scent into a shower gel, but I am so pleased that they have! I think this is my favourite from the bunch. The scent is gorgeous, a little lighter than I would have liked, but you can still smell it on your skin after using it, which is perfect! It lathers up beautifully and easily with the tiniest little drop! American Cream shower gel is a massive success for me and I am so pleased that I picked up three bottles!

Pictured - Calacas shower gel
Calacas holds a special place in my heart as it was one of the very first LUSH Kitchen shower gels I ever bought and was also one of my very first 250g size bottles, which started the collection I have now. I have loved this scent ever since first sniff and was so pleased when Monsters Ball came for Halloween in 2016 and when Man in the Moon was released last year. Calacas is one of my go to scents, I love it when I'm feeling a little down, something nice to cheer me up! I would use this in every single bath and shower if I could! I'm really pleased that LUSH brought Calacas back as I was down to about a third of my bottle left and even though I wanted to use it so often, with the loss of the Kitchen, who knew when it was going to come back! I am so super pleased that I picked up three bottles! If Calacas ever makes it to stores, I would still buy more. This is one of them shower gels that I know I will get through quickly if I have enough of it, so I wouldn't mind having a few back up and a 1kg bottle would be amazing! I'd also like to try the jelly as I've never had the chance to, so LUSH if your reading this, Halloween? Please? 

Pictured - Sultana shower gel
Unpopular opinion here, but Sultana has never been a scent that I've been particularly fond of. I never reached for Blackberry bath bomb often as I wasn't keen on the scent on cold sniff so I never bought it until it was being discontinued and even then, I masked the scent in the bath with other stronger scents. I had no wishes to purchase a bottle of the shower gel, but the addict inside of me was screaming 'What if you love it!' and 'What if you decide you want a bottle when it's too late and then you have to pay Depop or eBay prices!' So I caved and bought a bottle. While I'm still not that fond of the scent, I do like it more than I thought I would! I thought I would sniff it and gag and put it up for sale straight away, but surprisingly, I was intrigued! I have heard a few people say that Sultana smells better in use than it does in the bottle, and I absolutely agree! On cold sniff, it smells like Blackberry bath bomb, very strong and very rich, but in use it smells more like Bewitched, the same scent but sweeter. I actually like this a lot more than I thought I would and will be keeping hold of my bottle.

Pictured - Avocado Wash shower gel
This shower gel is not to be confused with Avobath, Avoshower or Avowash as it is very much different! Avocado Wash shares the same scent as the Avocado Co Wash shampoo, which if you go into a LUSH store and sniff, then pick up an Avobath, you will see that these are very different scents. I was so silly to even consider buying only one, maybe no bottles of this beautiful shower gel! I told myself that I would pick up two American Cream and two Calacas and maybe an Avocado Wash if I had any spare money. I did purchase one bottle with my initial order, but as soon as all the shower gels were restocked and I had been paid, two more of these went right into my basket and I have no regrets at all! I have seen quite a few people compare the scent of this gel to a Twister ice lolly, which if you're not from the UK, you probably have never heard of (google it, they're my favourite ice lollies ever!) but I disagree. I think this smells like a Refresher chew bar, super sweet and beautiful! I love it! I'm so pleased I have three bottles of this, hopefully it'll last me a while! Avocado Wash lathers up so well, just like the others, a tiny smidge really does go a long way!

Pictured - Grass shower gel
I feel quite ashamed to say that in all my years of being a LUSH fanatic, I had never owned a bottle of Grass shower gel! I know, how can I call myself a LUSH fan! Earthy scents aren't my favourite, I much prefer a sweet, fruity or citrus scent, so I never picked a bottle up when it was in the Kitchen. Just like with Sultana, I had no intentions of picking up a bottle until it was getting closer to the restock date and I wondered if I would like it. I am pleased that I bought a bottle so I don't have the regret of never trying it, but straight off the bat I knew this wasn't a scent for me. I actually like Grass bubble bar and I have purchased a couple before now and used them up, but to me, Grass shower gel smells more like my Supertramp bubble bar, which I'm not a fan of. I do detect the grassy element in the scent, but there is another ingredient in there that overpowers it and I think it's that that I'm not keen on. The scent of Grass doesn't change much when you're using it, you still get that very earthy and muddy scent, which still overpowers that fresh mowed lawn fragrance. I think I may keep hold of this bottle purely for cocktailing, but I can't imagine it will be one I will reach for very often, if at all.

Overall, I am very impressed with these gels! I love the new formulation that LUSH are using to make their liquid gels self preserving, it makes them lather up beautifully and means you only need use a tiny amount to cover your entire body. Although them being a little runnier in consistency, this doesn't make any difference to how the gels work at all and I'm putting it down to the really hot weather we are experiencing in the UK at the moment. There is also quite a lot of separation, but I am not concerned about this in the slightest, this is what you get with handmade cosmetics and is easily solved by a good shake! Being so impressed with these gels makes me excited to pick up some more mainline gels once I run out, so I can try the self preserving version of those too.

I'm really happy that LUSH have finally taken the time to listen to their customers and give them what they want. It's about time that they made the products their consumers want, in the scents requested. I feel like we are finally getting somewhere after the devastating close of the Kitchen and it has been so lovely to see such a buzz in the community again. Dare I ask for perfumes or body sprays (especially American Cream!) next?!

Did you pick up any of the shower gels? If so, what do you think of them? I'd love to hear your thoughts so let me know down in the comments section!


Thank you for taking the time to read my blog post, it is very appreciated! Make sure to follow so you can see the next time I post! ♥ xo
**Disclaimer: All views, opinions and photos are my own.**

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